69 - The Best Years

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I left Michael downstairs to change in the spare bathroom while I got ready upstairs. I knew my parents would put him to work setting up the extra table and chairs while I got ready so I took my time. I wanted to look good for photos.

When I had finally finished I heard the sound of people arriving downstairs. I heard someone squeal with excitement and I poked my head outside my door to try and eavesdrop.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!" Siena gushed.

"Thanks," Ale said.

Wait, what was going on?

I rushed to the stairs and saw Ale and Luke standing in the doorway, removing their shoes.

"Hi!" I smiled widely as I ascended the stairs to embrace them in a hug.

"Do the boys know?" I whispered into Luke's ear.

"Not yet," he whispered back.

"Mikey's here," I said.

Luke grabbed Ale's hand and Ale gave him a reassuring look.

"Well come in," I said, pulling away from the embrace and leading them into the rest of the house with Siena.

When we entered the kitchen I saw that Zia Carina, Zio Marcus, and Sam were already here.

They stopped to glance in our direction and paused when they saw Luke.

"Everyone, this is my boyfriend Luke," Ale announced, as he wrapped his arm around his waist.

I looked around for Mikey but he wasn't here.

I let the family all meet Luke and went in search of Mikey. I finally found him in the garage with my dad pouring ice into a chest.

"Hey, um, Luke's here," I said.

"Oh," his face brightened, "okay, I'll be inside in a sec."

I nodded and returned to the kitchen where my mom asked me to place the tray of food my zia had brought into the oven to keep it warm. My dad and Mikey carried in the full ice chest together and placed it beside the island.

"Luke?" he called out, faking any knowledge of why he would be at my house.

"Hey man," Luke said sheepishly as he removed his hand from Ale's.

"What are you doing here?" Mikey asked innocently as he pulled Luke into a hug.

"Uh," Luke paused for a moment before continuing, "I came with Ale...can we talk for a minute?"

Mikey nodded and followed Luke to the front of the house for some privacy. Ale looked at me with uncertainty so I gave him two thumbs up in confidence and smiled. When they returned, Luke and Mikey were laughing and I noticed Ale breath out a sigh of relief.

Slowly the rest of my family members trickled in and at last, it was time to eat. We all piled in across the three different tables with our plates full. I slipped my hand into Michael's and Cat's who was sitting in between as my dad blessed the meal.

"Amen," we all said in chorus before digging in.

"Mm," I sighed as I took my first bite of food, stuffing with cranberry sauce on top.

"Good?" Mikey chuckled, raising his pierced brow at me.

I nodded and swallowed before adding, "So good."

"So you liked my gift?" Luke asked from across the table.

"Huh?" Mikey asked chewing before recognition spread across his face, "Oh yeah. It looks good doesn't it?"

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