41 - Love

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I heard the distant sound of the bells that hung on the front doors, but I was just too focused to look up. I scanned the application one last time before hitting the submit button.

I sighed, hoping I would hear a response, suddenly remembering that someone had entered the shop.

"Shit," I muttered, "you scared me, why didn't you say something?"

Mikey laughed, shaking his head, "Sorry, you looked so focused, didn't want to distract you."

"What were you doing, anyway?" he asked, leaning against the counter.

"Oh--" I paused, looking around the shop to make sure no one was within earshot, "I was applying for a job. I found this position at a local gallery and I figured might as well apply."

"Nice," he nodded, "is it full-time?"

"It says it's part-time, but maybe if they like me it'll turn into a full-time thing," I explained.

"What's the job exactly?"

"I'll read you the description," I returned my gaze back to the computer screen and began to read.

I was halfway through the job description when I noticed Michael's hand moving in my peripheral vision.

"Hey!" I exclaimed slamming my sketchbook closed, "Who said you could look at that?" I asked as I pulled it away from him.

My pulse quickened with anxiety, praying that he hadn't seen the sketches I had drawn of him.

"Sorry," he smirked, "but you did leave it open for anyone to look at. Besides, they're really good."

"Whatever," I groaned, placing the book underneath the counter.

"I especially like the one of that shirtless guy--" he paused to smirk at my blushed face, "You know, not to toot my own horn, but that guy has an uncanny resemblance to me."

I bit my lip, cringing in embarrassment as he teased. He really knew how to push my buttons.

"You ready to go?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Ready when you are," he smiled, straightening up and brushing back the hair that had fallen into his eyes.

I logged out of the computer, telling him to wait just a second. I walked into the back to let Ale know that I was heading out.

"Hey," I called getting his attention from his phone, "Mikey's here so I'm going to head out. Make sure you set the alarm when you leave, yeah?"

He nodded, standing up and pushing in the kitchen table chair. Ale followed me back out to the front so that he could take my place for the last 30 minutes that the shop would be open.

"Hey, Mikey," Ale greeted, "How's it going?"

"Great, how bout yourself?" Mikey asked with a smile, glancing at me.

"Pretty good," he nodded, stepping behind the counter and taking a seat on the stool, "Designing my first piece for a client by myself, so I'm a little stressed about that, but otherwise I'm doing good."

"That's awesome, mate! So, does that mean you're no longer an apprentice?"

"Uh, not exactly. But I'm getting close. We'll see how this tat goes," Ale said, smiling nervously.

"Well, good luck," Mikey chuckled, "I'll see you later."

Mikey turned to me and nodded his head for us to leave.

"Remember, alarm," I repeated to Ale, making sure he was paying attention to me fully this time.

"I got it. Now go," he said as he gestured for us to leave.

I slipped my hand into Mikey's after we exited the shop, letting him lead the way to wherever he had parked.

"So, how was your day?" I asked, looking up at him.

"It was good," he smiled, "Great now that I'm with you."

I rolled my eyes playfully, bumping him with my shoulder. It was dark outside, and the outdoor seating from the restaurants we passed was filled with conversation and laughter.

"What about you?"

"Good, just long," I sighed.

"Are you still up for hanging out?" he asked, looking down at me with concerned green eyes.

"Definitely," I smiled squeezing his hand.

"Okay, good," he smiled back with relief, "Are you starting to feel better yet?"

"Huh? Oh, right, the anemia. Yeah, so much better. No more dizzy spells. Still pretty tired, but that could be for other reasons," I shrugged.

"Staying up too late drawing pictures of your sexy boyfriend shirtless?" he joked.

I grumbled to myself. He wasn't going to let that go, was he?

When we got to his car he opened my door for me and I smiled to myself at how he was still so sweet opening the doors for me. I remembered how he had told me on our first date how he would always be there to open them for me. 

"So, you still want to get frozen yogurt?" he asked as he started the engine. 

I nodded, "Mhm."

We drove in silence through the streets of downtown Little Italy until we reached the frozen yogurt shop. I was happy to just be in his presence, but I couldn't help but think about how badly I wanted to go back to his house. 

"Love?" I heard him ask as he placed his hand on my thigh. 


"I said we should go inside before they close," he smiled at me. 

I tried to form a sentence, but when he called me that--love--my brain stopped functioning. I realized that we didn't really have nicknames for each other. Well, except maybe when I called him horn-dog. 

"Bea? You awake in there?" he chuckled putting his hand under my chin to stare into my eyes.

"Sorry," I laughed, "Yeah, let's go."

The word sent my heart doing flips and I wanted him to say it again. After we got our yogurt we decided to stroll along the beach that was across the road. 

We were both silent as we ate. I couldn't help but watch him as we walked. He seemed to be thinking deeply about something as he chewed on his lower lip and stared off into the black abyss of the ocean and night sky.

"Hey," I said, breaking the silence after I finished eating, "You know, you're pretty amazing."

He looked at me, flashing a wide smile before wrapping his arm around me.

"Really?" he smirked. 

"I'm serious. I just feel like I'm really lucky to get to know you. I know it's only been a short while since we met, but...I feel like I can tell you anything. You're just so kind and gentle and you care about me, and I dunno...I'm just really happy," I ended, smiling at the cold sand we were walking across.

He didn't say anything for a while, and I was getting nervous that maybe I said something too cheesy and he was weirded out. He stopped walked and I turned to look at him. 

"I'm really happy too. And I feel like I'm the lucky one, to get to know someone who is so honest and kind and intelligent. Believe me when I say, I feel like the luckiest man alive to be yours," he said, pulling me in for a warm hug. 

I smiled against his chest and enjoyed his familiar scent of roasted coffee beans and cologne.

"We should head back," he finally said, releasing his grip on me, "It's getting late."

I nodded and he slipped his hand into mine while we made our way back to his car.

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