66 - Back to You

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I woke up in Michael's arms to the sound of an alarm going off. I was honestly, so confused. 

Am I dreaming?

The lack of sleep from my night flight and the jetlag were burning my eyes. 

"Morning," Mikey sighed, his voice hoarse from sleep, as he silenced the alarm.

I grumbled and pulled his arm back around me. I was comfortable and just wanted to go back to sleep. 

"Bea," he called out gently from behind me, "you've got some messages from your mum."

I groaned and replied into the pillow, "What did she say?"

"I can't read them, your phone is locked," he said, pulling his arm out of my grip so that he could grab the phone.

"Oh, the code is 65439," I mumbled back.

He chuckled softly, I guess he realized it spelled out Mikey. 

"She's asked where are you, and for you to call her as soon as."

"Text her back and tell her I'm coming home now," I mumbled.

"Okay," he said.

"I can't keep my eyes open," I sighed, rolling over so that our bodies were touching again.

"I can drive you home," he offered, stroking my hair.

"My me mad," I said, using all the energy left in me to speak.

"What?" he asked chuckling, "Bea, you're not even making sense. I'm driving you home. You are in no state to drive."

I felt the bed shift beneath me and the warmth of his body leave the bed.

"Come on, baby. You've got to put your clothes back on. I don't think your parents will appreciate me driving you home half-naked," he chuckled pulling the blankets back.

I let him pull me up and pulled off his t-shirt to put on my sweater. I squinted over at him as I saw that he was pulling my jeans right-side-out. 

"Here," he said, kneeling as he helped me slide my legs in and pull them up. 

"Socks?" I asked, closing my eyes again, as they were begging to remain shut. 

"Hm," he said looking around, he fumbled with the comforter on his bed before kneeling in front of me again and putting them on me. 

I felt like a little kid, but I literally could not keep my eyes open for the life of me.

He left me on the bed while he changed into clothes in his closet. I heard him rummage with something on his dresser before his arm slipped around me and helped me stand up. 

He laughed as I struggled to walk properly with him down the hall.

"I wonder if this is what drunk Beatrice would be like," he pondered to himself as he released my body and leaned me against the wall. 

I heard him open a door and he soon returned, tapping my leg, "Lift your foot, my lady."

I raised my foot and he guided it into my boot. 

"And the other one."

When he had also put on his shoes we headed out the door. He unlocked his car and opened the passenger door for me making sure I didn't bump my head as I slid inside.

He leaned over me and buckled my seatbelt before placing my purse on my lap and closing the door. I noticed that he had put his glasses and hat back on.

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