39 - Out of My Limit

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"Ow," I hissed, "gentle."

"Sorry," Si said, rolling her eyes, "almost--and done!"

I sighed in relief and looked at my eyebrows in the mirror.

"Thanks," I said, "so, I'm crazy right?" I asked looking for her denial.

"Jury's still out on that one," she teased.

"Ugh, you know what I mean," I groaned, "I mean, that's way too early for me to be feeling those things right?"

"Well," she said as she grabbed my tweezers from the counter, "I think you're just in the honeymoon phase. It's new and exciting. Plus, this is like your first boyfriend."

I huffed, watching as she plucked some hairs from her eyebrow.

"Okay, okay," I agreed, "you're right. I need to chill."

"Speaking of chill," she said as she placed the tweezers down and walked out of the bathroom, "Did you find out if Cal is single?"

I scoffed, raising an eyebrow, "Cal?"

"Yeah, you know, Calum," she said nonchalantly as she took a seat on my bed.

"Oh, okay, so I'm the crazy one for thinking I'm in love with Mikey, yet you have a pet name for a guy you've never even met," I teased, joining her on the bed.

"It's not a pet name," she defended, "that's what his friends call him."

"Mhm, sure," I pursed my lips.

She tossed the pillow in her lap at me playfully, "Shut up."

"To answer your question," I said after chuckling, "yes, all of his friends are single at the moment. I think Ashton just recently got out of a long-distance relationship."

"Okay," she smiled with excitement, "are we carpooling?"

"Um," I thought about it for a moment, "I dunno, I might spend more time with Michael after we all hang out."

She rolled her eyes with a smile, "And I might spend some alone time with Cal," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Whatever," I chuckled.


"I think you've got enough cleavage there," I teased as Si adjusted her boobs in the seat next to me.

"Whatever. Gotta make a good impression," she winked before slamming the visor shut, "Ready?"

"Gross," Teo groaned from the backseat.

"Yes," Ale complained impatiently, "come on, let's go inside already."

Ale, Teo, Lucia, and Siena followed me across the street and into Hideout.

The bell above the door clanged as we entered and a smirk spread across Gio's face as he saw us.

"Hey," he waved from behind the register, "You guys want something?"

"Uh, sure," I nodded, reading the menu as I approached, "I'll get an iced green tea."

"Oh-kay--" he said drawing out the word as he tapped on the iPad, "Anyone else?"

"Nah," Si said, "I don't want coffee breath."

The rest shook their heads.

I pulled out my debit card to pay. We waited off to the side so the other people in line could order.

Matteo looked around uncomfortably.

"What's wrong?" I asked nudging him.

"Huh? Oh, nothing," he said shaking his head.

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