6 - The Date Part 1

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We didn't text after saying goodbye yesterday until he sent me a goodnight message saying that he was excited to see me.

Church went by so slowly this morning, and I could barely keep my eyes open during the service. I made another pot of coffee when we got home and my cousin Lucia [LOO-CHEE-UH] came back to the house with me to help me pick out an outfit. I wanted to get out of the house before the rest of my family showed up for game night. We usually hosted an after-church lunch but my Aunt Aurora, Lucia and Ale's mom, offered to host since we were hosting the soccer game at our house tonight.

"Have you told Ale and Siena," she asked me, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah, Si wanted to come help but she's at work today. Did she tell you she got the position in the ER?"

"Yeah, Ale told me."

"What do you think of this?" I said holding up a striped shirt to my chest.

"Yeah that's cute, but you've gotta spice it up with some jewelry or cute shoes," she said

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"Yeah that's cute, but you've gotta spice it up with some jewelry or cute shoes," she said.

"I was just going to wear my white high top converse," I said, pulling the shirt over my head and lightly tucking the front into my cut off jean shorts.

"Ugh, Bea. This is a date. How about some wedges."

"No way, we're going to be walking around."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes, "but you're wearing some jewelry, and letting me do your hair and makeup."

"Okay, fine with me, I didn't want to do my hair anyway," I smiled taking a seat on the floor in front of my full-length mirror.

She walked out of the room and came back with my curling wand, hair products, and my makeup bag.

"Can we put some music on?" She asked as she plugged the wand into the wall.

"Yeah go ahead, my speaker is on my dresser."

Her phone connected and music played in the background. She sprayed my hair with a heat protectant and combed it out.

"So, tell me about this guy," she said wrapping a chunk of my hair around the iron.

"Well, I don't really know too much. His name is Michael, I guess he sometimes goes by Mikey. He owns a coffee shop downtown..."

"Okay, okay. He's hot? Have you stalked him on social media yet?"

"Yeah, he is hot. I tried. But I actually couldn't find him," I admitted.

"Seriously? That's kind of a red flag if he's not on social media."

"Well he might be, I just don't know what his handle is."

"So what's he look like? You said he came in for a tattoo, what was it of?"

"Yeah it was a city skyline, but, actually, now that you mention it, I don't know of which city," I chuckled.

"Ugh, what's his last name?" she grumbled.

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