36 - Spill

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When my family got home from church I had to promise my dad that nothing had happened between Michael and me. He wasn't happy about the situation and insisted on any future dates being at our house. Yeah, right.

I helped with the preparations for dinner that evening with my mom while my dad took Cat to the park to play.

"So, what time is Michael coming over?" She asked while she chopped tomatoes and I sliced a loaf of fresh bread.

"I told him 6:30."

"Okay. How's it going? Are you guys dating?"

"It's going really good. I really like him. I feel like he's a really good person, and he cares a lot about me. I know it's only been a month but, I dunno, it feels special."

I grabbed a baking sheet from beneath the oven and spread the pieces of bread across it.

"I just, I've got a good feeling about him," I added.

"Well, I'm happy you're happy. He seems like a good guy. And he's respectful and polite...and he is ambitious, too. Something that most guys his age don't have going for them."

"Yeah," I nodded as I poured some olive oil over the bread, "He's actually got his head screwed on straight. And he's honest and upfront about things. Which is strange for guys my age. I don't think I've met any guys that are as kind and trustworthy as he is."

"Mhm...so you've talked about sex?"

"Yes, and I told him that I'm waiting until marriage and he's cool with it. Respects my decision."

"Good, just be careful tesoro. I know it's your first relationship and it's exciting and new, but just don't move too fast. I know you trust him, but it's only been what...a month," I nodded to confirm, "Everybody has things that they hide and...it's not that I don't like him, I do, I just want you to be safe. You're very beautiful, I know you don't always see it, but you are, and I don't want you to get into a situation that you can't get yourself out of. Use your brain, okay?" she said as she sniffled from the onion that she was cutting.

"I know, I know. Okay," I smiled to myself remembering how Michael had thought I was actually crying when he walked in as I was chopping an onion.

The doorbell rang and I quickly placed the tray into the oven before walking to the door. I looked through the peephole to find Siena, Ale, Lucia, Matteo, Gio, and my Zia Aurora, Zia Carina and Zio Lorenzo.

I opened the door and they each kissed me on the cheeks in greeting as the entered the house and removed their shoes.

I helped carry in the trays of different food into the kitchen and everyone greeted my mom. Everything smelled so delicious and I couldn't wait to eat this evening.

Not long after everyone had entered the house and got settled, the doorbell rang again and Gio went to answer it. My Zio Daniele and Lucy walked into the kitchen with two bags of ice and some juice. Lucy waddled over to me and hugged my sideways to avoid the sleeping Dominico who was strapped to her chest.

"Hey, Zia. How are you feeling?" I asked as she took a seat at the table.

"Ugh, I need a nanny like The Kardashians. The lack of sleep is killing me," she sighed as she stroked her son's head.

"I know what you mean," Aurora chimed in, "As much as I hated being pregnant, I wanted to go back to when I could sleep through the night."

"Hey!" Gio whined offended, "I thought you said giving birth to me was the happiest day of your life."

"What?" Lucia exclaimed, "Mom, you said that to me."

"No," Ale insisted, "she said that to me."

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