18 - ReDo

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I woke up to several texts from Mikey and I couldn't help but think about our kiss. I cringed at the fact that our first kiss happened while I was probably really sweaty and I hit him in the forehead with my hat. I guess he didn't mind as he had confessed how much he liked me.

(Michael): I hope you're sleeping well.

(Michael): I'm excited to see you later.

(Michael): Text me when you're up and I'll give you a call.

I liked that he wasn't afraid to send me multiple texts, and he wasn't into playing games. I typed out 'good morning' with the sun emoji and sent it.

Last night, after asking me how I was feeling, we decided on a movie night in. Which I honestly was super excited about, except for the part where it was going to be at his house. He had clarified that we could do it at mine if I wasn't comfortable with going to his house and that he wasn't trying to pull any moves.

I agreed to go, I wasn't nervous that he was going to do anything, just that if we decided to, I'd have to tell him that I was a virgin. Which is a little embarrassing considering my age. And he seems like the type to definitely had some sexual experiences. I didn't want to do anything wrong or stupid because of my lack of experience. Not that I was planning to have sex with him or anything, the topic might come up though.

I climbed out of bed to get ready for work. Michael was working the day shift as well and was going to pick me up when he got off. I offered to drive, but since it's a little ways away from my house, he didn't want me to have to drive home if we stayed up late. I didn't mind anyway, because I don't like driving at night.

After showering and getting dressed, I went downstairs to eat something. Cat was already dressed and playing in the living room with some Barbies.

"Morning," I greeted, pulling out some yogurt from the fridge.

"Hi," she replied distractedly.

"How was your playdate yesterday?"

"Amazing! Wanna see the slime I made?" She got up before I could answer and raced upstairs.

I smiled at her innocence and decided to eat my yogurt and granola outside. The warm sun felt nice on my bare arms and I closed my eyes to soak in the moment.

The moment didn't last long, as Cat barrelled outside and shoved a container of her homemade slime into my face.

"That's cool, Cat. What's in it?"

"Glitter, duh," she said smartly.

"Of course there is."

My mom joined us outside and she kissed my head in greeting.

"How'd you sleep, stellina?"

"Pretty good," I said between chews.

"Good, good," she pulled out the chair next to mine and took a seat.

"So, how was your date? You were asleep when I got home last night, so I didn't get any details."

I paused and tried to collect my thoughts for an answer that wouldn't warrant too many questions.

"It was good. Good enough that we're going on another date tonight."

"Oh, really? That good, eh? So, you really like this boy?" She stared at me waiting for an answer while I finished the last of my breakfast.

"Yeah," I smiled remembering our confession to each other, "I really do like him."

"You're being smart right?"

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