22 - Band Practice

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I was giddy with excitement as I brushed my teeth. I was supposed to be meeting Michael at Hideout in 30 minutes. The last time I saw Michael was Tuesday when he picked me up after work. We spent the day at the beach and got dinner by the harbor. It's now Sunday and I'm meant to be meeting his friends.

I hurried downstairs to head out the door when my mom stopped me.

"Hey, where you going?" she asked, carrying a laundry basket upstairs.

"Michael's coffee shop," I said trying to get out of the house quickly.

"You'll be home for dinner?"

"I don't know. I'll text you," I kissed her cheek and ran down the rest of the stairs.

There was quite a bit of traffic and it took me a while to find a parking spot, but I finally headed inside. I was greeted by the high school kid that I think Michael called Trey from behind the counter and headed towards the staircase down to the basement where Mikey said to meet him.

I opened the door at the bottom of the stairs and looked around to find the place empty. I almost turned around, thinking I had gotten the time wrong or something when I saw someone inside the music room at the back. I headed over and peered through the glass in the door.

Sure enough, there was Mikey and his friends. I opened the door and the sound of music surrounded me. Mikey's eyes were closed as he was playing a guitar solo before the lyrics picked up again and he joined Calum and the others in singing. Damn, his voice is so good. Can he get any hotter?

"Do you look yourself straight in the eyes

And think about who you let between your thighs?

Cut the shit be real with me

You're the only one I ever fucking judge

The one who came to school every day

Woke up for the world, practiced honesty

Her business was hers

Will I ever see you again will I ever see you?"

Calum and the tall blonde boy in the middle noticed me and smiled. Mikey suddenly looked up and stopped singing, waving his hands for the boys to stop.

"Hey!" he smiled, almost like he was embarrassed, "Sorry, we were just messing around."

He approached me and gave me a hug and a quick peck on my lips.

He pulled away but kept his arm around my waist as he introduced me to each of his friends.

"This is Ashton," he said pointing to the guy sitting in the back behind a drum kit.

"Hi!" Ashton said with a wave.

"This is Luke," he said pointing to the tall, blonde guy in the middle of the room.

"Hi, Bea, it's nice to meet you," he said walking over to shake my hand.

"And this is Calum, which I believe you already met?"

"Yeah, we did," I said smiling at Calum.

"Hi, Bea. Good to see you again."

"So, are you guys like a band or something? Mikey didn't tell me you all played music," I said giving Michael a look.

"No, no it's just for fun," Mikey said quickly.

"Keep playing, I wanna hear more," I said looking up at Michael.

"We're really not that good," he said looking at the guys for help.

"Please," I said with pouty lips.

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