47 - Don't Stop

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The tension in the room between Luke and Ale was unbearable, but no one else seemed to notice.

"Oh my god," Gio burst into laughter, "Okay, this one wins," he said in between his crippling laughter.

"When she calls your penis cute," he finally read.

"Yes!" Ashton sang taking the card, "I'd like to thank whoever brought this game because I think I've found my calling: matching captions to memes."

The girls and I rolled our eyes, not as amused by the situation the guys clearly thought was hilarious.

"I'm going to call it a night," Cal said, yawning.

"Me too," Siena said, handing her cards to Gio who was collecting them to return to the game box.

"Anyone wanna stay up and play something on the Xbox?" Gio asked.

"Yeah, I'll join you," Ashton said hopping up from his position on the sofa to grab the controllers.

"Wanna head up?" Mikey asked me, rubbing my back.

I smiled and nodded. He helped me up from my position on the floor and we climbed the stairs.

I had butterflies in my stomach as we entered the room and he closed the door. I was over the moon to at last get my hands on his body, but I was nervous about going further than we ever had.

I shuffled through my duffle bag for my toothbrush and toothpaste and Mikey joined me in the bathroom to do the same. There was a nervous tension in my stomach as I climbed onto the bed. I watched as he slipped out of his joggers and removed his shirt.

He joined me in the bed, resting on his elbow as he looked at me.

"Are you tired?" he asked, running his fingertips down my arm.

I shook my head, my heart skipping beats at his touch. I just wanted him to kiss me already, but I didn't want to seem too desperate. I waited impatiently for him to initiate.

His hand made me shiver as he slipped it down to my waist and I couldn't take it any longer. I greedily grabbed his face and pressed our lips together, enjoying the tingle the minty toothpaste left in my mouth as we kissed. I wrapped my leg over his body and his hand squeezed my butt. I smiled as he pulled me on top of him so that I was straddling him.

I left hungry kisses down his neck, the roughness of his beard tickling my lips. The sigh that escaped his mouth made me excited with confidence. I sat up and removed my shirt so that I was only in my bra and cotton pajama shorts. His gaze lingered on my chest before he pulled me back down to his body, kissing my lips breathlessly.

My heart was racing as his hand wandered to my back and unclasped my bra. I nervously disconnected our lips and removed it, leaving me exposed. I bit my lip nervously as he looked at my naked chest. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my body as he swapped our positions. His muscles were flexed on either side of my head as he kissed down my neck, hovering over my scar before continuing down to my breasts. My heart was pounding as his mouth sucked on the sensitive skin. I tangled my hands in his hair, a soft moan escaping my mouth. I bit my lip, embarrassed by the sound I had made when he looked up at me.

He continued to kiss down my stomach, the closer he got to my waistline the faster my heart pounded in my chest.

Oh my God, is this really happening?

When he reached the fabric of my shorts he stopped to look up at me.

"Do you want me to keep going?" he asked, his breath tickling my stomach.

I licked my lips and nodded, a nervous smile breaking across my face.

I closed my eyes, too embarrassed to watch as he slipped off my shorts and underwear. His weight suddenly left the bed, making my eyes pop open. I looked at him in confusion, scared that he was suddenly turned off or something. Shit, should I have waxed everything?  He smiled and pulled my legs, dragging me towards the edge of the bed.

He kneeled on the floor in front of me and I closed my eyes as his mouth connected to my body. My breathing was getting heavier, and I was conscious of every sound that involuntarily escaped my mouth. Ecstasy overtook my body and when it was over, Mikey stood up, wiping his hand on the back of his mouth.

He smiled at me, joining me on the bed, and kissed me. I could taste what I assumed was myself and I was scared that he might have been grossed out. I reached my hand down in between us and fumbled with the waistline of his boxers.

He chuckled and pulled my hand back to his chest.

"What?" I asked nervously, pulling away from him, assuming I had done something wrong.

"Not tonight," he said, holding onto my hip.

I looked away from his intense stare, disappointed that I had ruined the moment somehow.

"Hey," he said softly, placing his hand under my chin so that I was looking into his green eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked searching my face.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, placing my arm over my chest to cover my breasts.

"Not at all. Trust me," he breathed, smiling.

"Then how come you don't want me to--" I paused, embarrassed to say it aloud.

"Tonight was about you," he said, grabbing my arm so that I was no longer covering myself, "I got what I wanted," he smiled, looking down at my body and biting his lip, "Trust me."

I nodded, sitting up and leaving the room to go to the bathroom.

I placed my clothes on the counter and cringed at my flushed cheeks. I hurried to clean up before returning to the bed. Michael had slipped under the comforter and was scrolling on his phone.

"Hi," I said awkwardly as I climbed under the covers on my side of the bed.

"Hi," he smiled, locking his phone and rolling over to face me.

"Did you have a good time?" he asked, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I nodded, smiling as the memory replayed in my mind of what just happened.

I gasped, as I remembered the sounds that escaped my mouth, "Do you," I looked away cringing inside, "do you think anyone heard?"

"You mean when you were saying 'don't stop'," he chuckled lightly and shook his head, "No. Just me."

My cheeks burned and I buried my face in the pillow.

"I liked it," he whispered, and I peeked a glance at his face, "It was sexy."

He was smiling at me and I groaned in disbelief into the pillow before rolling over onto my back.

"You want to cuddle?"

I glanced over at his green eyes and nodded. He turned off the lamp on his bedside table before pulling me against his warm body.

"Goodnight, Beatrice," he whispered into my ear, as he tucked his arm around me.

"Goodnight," I replied.

Did that count as sex?

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