40 - Room for Jesus

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"Be careful with my baby," I warned as I handed Ale my car keys.

"Yes, yes, I'll be careful with your precious child," he appeased clutching them from my grasp.

"See you," I said saying goodbye to my cousins.

"Have fun," Siena sung in my ear as we hugged goodbye.

I rolled my eyes to myself and pulled away.

"It was really nice to meet you guys," Luke said, leaning against his car, "We're really excited for that trip to Tahoe. Keep us posted on the details now that you have our numbers."

"Yeah," Calum chimed in, "it's gonna be litty."

Ash playfully slapped the back of Calum's head, "It's gonna be litty," he mocked.

They tussled with each other making us laugh.

"Alright, we better hit the road," Luke said standing up and pulling Mikey into a bro-hug, "see you later Mikey."

Michael and I waved goodbye as they all backed down the driveway.

He leaned down gripping my waist and spinning me around so that we were facing the house. He ushered me inside, locking the door behind him.

My heart was fluttering knowing that we were finally alone. I didn't pay much attention to anyone else as we hung at the house. I was too distracted by Michael's presence. The way he laughed was infectious. I loved seeing him interact with his friends and how they bantered.

"At last," he moaned in my ear as he slipped his arms around my waist from behind.

I giggled and squirmed as he planted kisses on my neck.

"Whatcha wanna do?" I asked, escaping his grasp and turning to face him.

"I can think of a few things," he said biting his bottom lip.

"Really?" I teased, not bothering to contain the smile that broke across my face.

He placed his hands on either side of my face and kissed my softly, sending butterflies erupting in my belly. He walked backwards down the hall until he was sitting on the edge of the bed, never separating our lips. He pulled me down so that I was sitting on his lap, his hands twisting in my hair.

He leaned back and I propped myself above him, resting a hand on either side of his head on the bed.

"I've been looking forward to this all day," he said, taking a moment to tuck my hair that was falling into his face behind my ear.

I smiled, licking my lips as I felt my cheeks getting warm. I reconnected our lips, brushing my hair to one side so that it wasn't in the way.

His hands reached behind me, cupping my butt as he pulled my body down towards him. He jutted his hips up and something hard rubbed against my pelvic bone. I broke away to look down.

I chuckled and pulled away, sitting back on his legs.

"What?" he asked, following my gaze to his crotch.

"Your belt," I giggled awkwardly.

"Oh," he chuckled, his body shook below me as he unbuckled his belt and slipped it off, throwing it down to the floor.

He pulled me back down on top of him, "Better?"

I nodded and kissed him, gasping as he toppled me over, flipping our positions so that he was now on top.

I smiled up at him, eager for our lips to reconnect. Instead, he traced his finger along my collarbone and down the neckline of my camisole that was trimmed with lace. His touch was sending shivers down my body, and I craved more.

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