11 - Party Preparations

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When Mikey left last night we hugged goodbye, and I could feel the sexual tension between us wanting more. I blushed and smiled into my pillow at the memory. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I felt butterflies in my stomach when I saw that I had several texts from Mikey.

(Michael): Good morning 🐝☀️

(Michael): Happy birthday! 🎉🎊🎂🎁🎈 well, belated I guess. I don't know when it was but since we're celebrating today I think it's appropriate.

(Michael): Okay. I may have gotten carried away with emojis. Don't judge.

(Michael): Okay, seriously there weren't that many emojis.

(Michael): You can't ignore me forever. Take pity on my texting skills and please respond.

(Michael): Well I'll be seeing you soon. I'm leaving my house now.

I decided not to respond since he said he was on his way here anyways and instead climbed out of bed.

I quickly gripped the mattress as the room spun and I squeezed my eyes shut. I leaned against the bed and took slow even breaths, my heart pounding until I felt like the room wasn't swaying too much.


I grabbed my water bottle from my nightstand and took a few sips before slowly walking into the bathroom and locking the door. I turned the shower on and while it warmed up started to brush my teeth.

Wow, I look like shit. My face was pale and covered in a layer of sweat from almost fainting.

You're fine Beatrice. See, you're already feeling better, and it won't happen again.

I tried hard to convince myself that I wasn't sick. That this wasn't happening. I stripped from my clothes and let the hot water hit my body. I stood under the water for some time before remembering that Michael was on his way and I began to wash.

After the long shower, I took my time putting lotion on my freshly shaven legs. I heard the doorbell ring and placed my ear up against my door to try and determine who it was.

I could tell that it was a boy by the voice but wasn't certain it was Michael, it could've been one of my cousins. I quickly threw on a pair of workout shorts and an old T-shirt and crept to the landing of the stairs.

I saw Michael talking to my mom in the entryway and walked back into my room, closing the door behind me. I grabbed some hair oil from my dresser and ran my fingers through my damp waves. I twisted it up into a bun and secured it with a hair tie.

I sighed at my reflection and grabbed my phone before heading downstairs to eat something.

"No thank you, ma'am. I've already eaten," I heard Michael say as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, my love. Don't grow up anymore, you're not allowed," my mom cried in Italian. giving me a hug and kissing my cheeks.

"Mamma, per fa', you know my birthday already passed," I said softly holding her tightly.

"Breakfast?" She asked sniffling.

"Yes, please," I mumbled into her hair before pulling away to say hello to Michael.

"Morning," I smiled taking a seat next to him at the counter.

"Good morning," he said smiling back, "Happy Birthday! Here's a little present I got you," he said picking up a bag from the chair next to him and handing it to me.

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