65 - Mine

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I sighed, smiling to myself as I ran my hands through my hair. I peered over the sofa and stood up. I made my way down the hall while he was still talking to the plumber. I smiled at the familiar sight of his bedroom and climbed onto his bed. 

I breathed in the scent of his bedding and quickly turned over when I heard his footsteps approaching. 

"Bea?" he called out, "You in the bathro--oh! Hi!" he smiled as he stopped in his doorway, "Whatcha doin?"

I smiled coyly up at him as he climbed onto the bed next to me. I closed my eyes and leaned into him as his hand stroked my cheek. He slipped his hand back into my hair and kissed me. I wrapped my leg around his waist and slipped my hand under his shirt. His kisses became more passionate as his hands wandered down my body until he was gripping my hip. I wanted to be closer to him, I didn't want any space between us, so I pushed him onto his back and straddled him continuing to kiss his lips. I took advantage of my position and pulled my sweater over my head. 

He was surprised and smiled at me when he saw that I wasn't wearing a bra. He should know better by now that I avoided wearing one most days. I returned to kissing him, grinding my hips against him. I could feel that he was hard and wanted him to get undressed. I pulled back again and sat up, pulling him up with me so that I could help him remove his shirts. I reveled in the view of his shirtless and sculpted body. It looked like he had been training harder, as his abs were even more defined as were his arms. I pulled his hat off and threw it across the room, making him chuckle. 

"Careful, that's my favorite," he joked.

 I climbed off of him and stood up on the bed, letting him watch me while I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down my body. I didn't think it through far enough as I couldn't maintain my balance and ended having to sit down to get them off of my ankles.

He stifled a laugh and I shot him a glare.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes. 

He stood up from the bed and removed his pants as well, before pushing me back onto the bed so that he was towering over me on all fours. 

"I'm gonna make you come so hard," he said biting his lip as he looked down at me and caressed my body. 

I giggled and nodded, pulling his face down so that I could reconnect our lips. I sighed with pleasure as his mouth made its way down my body. He pulled my underwear down leaving me completely exposed. He didn't hesitate as he pulled me to the edge of the bed and got down on his knees so that his mouth could please me, my legs draped over his shoulders. He kissed the insides of my thighs, teasing me, making me groan in frustration. His breath tickled me as he laughed softly before finally licking my core.

I moaned instinctively as he continued sucking and flicking with his tongue. 

"Fuck," I said breathlessly. 

I could feel myself already wanting to come, but I wasn't ready. I wanted to feel him inside of me again. 

I sat up and pushed him back. He wiped his mouth and stood in front of me. I pulled his boxers down to reveal his hard-on and immediately placed it in my mouth. He let out a moan instantaneously, as I sucked on him, pulling him in and out of my mouth. His hands pulled on my hair as he enjoyed himself. I slowed down before finally pulling him out of my mouth and looking up at him.

"Do you still have condoms?" I asked. 

"Uh, yeah. Are you sure?" he asked seriously.

I nodded eagerly, smiling. I watched as he walked to the bathroom and returned with a condom and the bottle of lube before I climbed to the top of the bed and got comfortable. He joined me after he placed them on the bedside table. He began kissing me and I reached down to stroke him. He smiled against my lips before spreading my legs open and rubbing me. I let him play with me as we kissed, his finger sliding into me suddenly, making me gasp and sigh with pleasure. 

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