17 - Don't Tell

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I looked to see what he was doing, and a military police car pulled over. Michael walked over to the passenger side as the officer rolled down the window.

"Michael, it's fine!"

He ignored me and greeted the cop.

"Hi, you kids okay?"

"Um, no sir, actually. My uh," Michael looked at me, and then back at the officer, "Bea, was feeling faint and we really need to head back, but I didn't want to leave her here while I went for the car. Do you think you could give her a ride back to the bike shop while I returned the bikes and get my car?"

The officer looked at me and I tried to smile like everything was fine and it wasn't necessary.

"Why don't I give you both a ride? We can put the bikes in the truck bed."

"That would be great, officer, if you don't mind."

The man got out of the truck and opened the tailgate. Michael helped me to my feet and walked me to the car. I opened the back door and Michael gave me a boost into the backseat of the truck. He closed the door and I waited as they loaded the bikes into the back.

The officer, whose name tag read Reeves, handed me a water bottle when he climbed into his seat.

"Thank you," I said opening it and taking a couple of sips.

Michael slid in next to me and we both put our seat belts on.

"Which bike shop you rent at?" Officer Reeves asked as he pulled away from the curb.

"Sam's. Across from the hotel, sir," Michael said.

I was beginning to feel a little better, definitely not as dizzy as before, and the embarrassment was sinking in. I totally just ruined our date.

"You feeling okay, miss?" Officer Reeves asked.

"Much better, now. Thank you, this really wasn't necessary."

"Just doing my job. Glad you're okay and that your friend flagged me down."

I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come back out. This was too cringe. I'm never going to live this down.

"Didn't think I'd ever ride in the back of a police car," I said to Michael, trying to lighten the mood.

He smiled, but more so out of politeness, at my comment. Great, I'm just embarrassing myself more.

Michael seemed tense, making it clear that I definitely ruined our date. When we reached the bike shop, Officer Reeves pulled over and put his hazards on before opening his door. I tried to open my door but couldn't. I looked over at Michael to see if he could open his but he shook his head.

"It's the back of a cop car Bea, he has to open the door for us."

I felt even more stupid for not realizing that myself. Officer Reeves opened my door and I slowly climbed out. Michael got out behind me and helped the officer with the bikes.

"Thank you again, sir."

"Of course, I hope you feel better soon," he said smiling at me and closing his tailgate.

I grabbed my bike and lifted the kickstand to walk it up to the shop, but Michael stopped me.

"I'll do it, go sit down."

"I'm perfectly capable, but fine," I surrendered.

I sat on of the benches that were in front of the shop while Michael walked both bikes inside. He paid for the rentals and walked back outside, shoving his wallet in his back pocket.

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