10 - The Interrogation

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Before my dad could open his mouth, my mom wrapped her arm around his waist and introduced Michael.

"Amore, this is Michael, Beatrice's friend."

"Hi Michael," my dad said putting out his hand as he looked Michael up and down intensely, "I'm Giorgio, Beatrice's father."

"Nice to meet you, sir," Michael said shaking my dad's hand firmly.

"Is that a fresh tattoo I see?" He asked twisting Michael's arm to get a closer look.

"Yes sir, I actually got it done at your tattoo shop," Mikey said putting his hand in his pocket after my dad released it.

"Ah, good, good," he said nodding his head. He took a step forward and leaned in really close to Michael's face before asking flatly, "You trying to date my daughter?"

My jaw dropped and I started to sweat with embarrassment. Zio Marco patted my shoulder in comfort.

"Babbo, please. Mamma, help," I pleaded in Italian trying to get her to shut my dad up.

I knew this was a bad idea.

"Um," Mikey cleared his throat, "yes sir, those are my intentions should Bea feel the same way."

"Well, if you want to date my daughter then I need to know what kind of a man you are," he stared hard into Michael's eyes not breaking eye contact.

I tried to interrupt him to stop, but he held up his hand, not breaking his stare at Michael, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, I," Michael snuck a glance at me and I gave him a deeply apologetic look before continuing, "I can be free tomorrow."

"Good. Be here at 11," he huffed, stepping back and crossing his arms over his puffed-out chest.

I think I could die of embarrassment.

"Well, on that note, I think we're just going to go back to watching the tv," Zio Marco said, breaking the tension and steering us away.

My mom gave me a "don't worry, it'll be fine" expression before Marco turned us away. 

"Don't worry, Bea. He's all bark and no bite," Marco said releasing Michael's shoulder to embrace me in a hug.

He took a seat on the sofa and I grabbed Michael's hand, pulling him out onto the deck.

I awkwardly let go once we were outside facing each other.

"Oh my gosh, Michael I am so sorry, you really don't need to come tomorrow. I mean we literally just met, and I know you probably just said all that so my dad wouldn't kill you—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. I actually did mean what I said. But only if you're interested in going on another date." He waited for me to respond and rubbed on the back of his neck.

"Oh, I um, yeah. I would love to go on another date."

He smiled, making me smile and giggle.

"Good, cuz it'd be pretty awkward if I had to go back inside and explain to your father that I wouldn't be there tomorrow," he joked, chuckling.

"So, I guess our second date is going to be tomorrow. Which means...I need to get you a birthday present right?"

"Um, no," I chuckled, "it's seriously not necessary. You're already being so kind putting up with my crazy family just to go on a second date with me. Besides, it's kind of a dual party for my graduation and my belated birthday. So technically you don't really need to get me a birthday present."

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