29 - Betrayal

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"Bea," a hot breath whispered in my face.

I groaned and cracked open an eye to see who it was.

"Cat?" I said sleepily, "What do you want?"

"Mamma said you need to take these and get up," she said shaking two prescription bottles.

I moaned in complaint as I stretched my arms above my head.

"Ow," I said quickly pulling my arm back to my side.

"You should be more careful," she said matter of factly leaning in to inspect my bandaged arm.

"Yeah, thanks," I said rolling my eyes.

She stood up from the bed and stared at me.

"Okay, I'm up. You can go now," I sighed reaching for my phone.

She huffed and placed the bottles on my bedside table before running out of my room.

I unlocked my phone and smiled at the notification list. Three texts from Michael.

(Michael): Good morning!
(Michael): How did you sleep?
I(Michael): I'm off to work, I hope you have a good day! xx

I smiled and responded quickly.

(me): Good morning! I slept pretty good. How about you?

I locked my phone, not expecting him to reply immediately, and grabbed the pill bottles.

It was my iron and vitamin C supplements. I read the instructions and took one of each out of the bottles popping them in the mouth. I grabbed my water bottle and swallowed them.

I sighed and climbed out of bed slipping on a pair of jeans that were on the floor. I grabbed a bra from my dresser and put it on before walking to my closet for a top. I ran my hand along my hanging shirts and decided on a long sleeve v-neck so people wouldn't ask me about my bandaged arm.

After getting dressed I headed to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

Ew, my hair is so gross.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth in a hurry to get to work on time. I grabbed a hat from the back of my door and put it on to hide my greasy roots.

I can't wait to take a shower when I get home tonight.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed a piece of fruit and a croissant from the counter.

"Good morning, stellina. Did you take your medicine?" My mom asked as she braided Cat's hair at the kitchen bar area.

"Good morning, mamma. Yes, I took them. Grazie for picking them up. I've got to go. I'll see you later for dinner," I said kissing her cheek and grabbing my purse from the counter.

"Bye, Cat. Love you both," I yelled from the hallway as I slipped into a pair of shoes.

I grabbed my keys and rushed down the driveway to my car. I hopped into my seat and groaned when I landed so low to the floor. I smiled remembering that Michael had driven my car last and adjusted the seat. I fixed the mirrors and the seat so they were just right before pulling away from the curb.

I connected my phone to the Bluetooth while I waited for the light to turn green and put on some music.

When I got to work I parked around back and entered through the back door. Since I was opening, the alarm was on, so I quickly walked over to the box after switching on the kitchen light and typed in the code to disarm it. I locked the back door and turned on the espresso machine. After making myself a cup of coffee I sat at the table and ate my croissant and banana.

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