48 - Can I Join?

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There was a soft tap on the door before it creaked open and I rolled over to see who it was. I was surprised to find the bed empty.

"Morning," Si said softly, entering the room and closing the door behind her.

"Morning," I groaned, sitting up and stretching.

"How was your night?" she sang as she approached the bed and ushered me to roll over to Michael's side so she could climb in.

"What? Why?" I asked nervously, mortified that she must have heard me last night.

She gave me a suspicious look, "Well, the question was kind of rhetorical. I wanted you to ask me how my night was, but we'll get to that later. What happened with your night?"

I bit my lip in hesitation, prompting her to ask more questions.

"Did you have sex? You dirty bitch!" she said, swatting my arm.

"No," I objected, "I mean, sort of?"

"How do you sort of have sex?" she asked raising her eyebrow at me.

"Well, I'm not really sure if you can count what happened as like sex-sex," I huffed.

"Okay, go on," she pried.

"Well, it was pretty one-sided," I said softly, cringing as I explained it, "like, I didn't really do any of the work if you know what I mean?"

"Oh my God, Bea," she laughed heartily, "So he went down on you?"

I covered my face with the comforter before responding, "Uh-huh."

"And how are you feeling about it?" she asked, pulling the comforter back.

I blew my hair out of my face, "I dunno, good, I guess."

"Good," she smiled, squishing the pillow beneath her, "Now ask about my night."

I chuckled, "How was your night?"

"Amazing," she sang, "I didn't spend the night alone either."

"What?" I shrieked, sitting up to get a better look at her, "Who were you with?"

"Calum," she smiled, looking at me for a reaction.

"Oh my God, seriously? So, you like, had sex?"

She nodded and wiggled her body with glee.

"Wait--does this mean you guys are like a thing now?" I asked.

"I dunno, I mean, it wasn't exactly planned. It just kind of happened."

I nodded, picking at the comforter as I processed what that meant. Great, so now two of my family members are fucking Michael's friends. Not that I wasn't happy for them to be in a relationship with Ash or Luke, but it could make things complicated if things got messy between them.

Siena was about to say something when the bedroom door opened.

"Oh, sorry," Mikey apologized, closing the door.

"Wait!" I called out before he left, "It's fine, we were just chatting. Come in."

Michael smiled and entered the room. He was wearing a pair of fitted track pants and a muscle tank that was sticking to his body from what I assumed was sweat.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"Oh, just went for a run around the neighborhood," he shrugged as he took his wireless earphones out and placed them in their case that was on the dresser.

"I'm going to shower, but you guys can stay, I'll get dressed in the bathroom," he offered as he shuffled through his duffle bag on the floor.

"That's okay," Siena said, climbing out of the bed, "I'm going to go get ready before someone steals one of the guest bathrooms."

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