32 - Lights Out

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I moved my plate to the side and leaned back into my chair.

"That was really good, I'd give you an 8.5 out of 10," I said smirking.

"Why not a 10?" he asked as he too pushed his plate aside.

"Haven't had dessert yet, so the meal isn't complete."

"Damn, well I guess I'll have to find something for dessert," he smirked.

He looked so perfect sitting there with his black long sleeve shirt rolled up to reveal his tattoos. He was sexy and confident as he smiled at me from across the table.

"What?" he asked breaking the silence that had fallen as I stared at him.

"Nothing," I smiled shaking my head, "you just look really good."

He smiled and leaned across the table, "So do you."

A flicker of light caught my attention in my peripheral vision and I turned my head only to hear a loud rumbling that shook the house.

"I love the sound of thunder and the rain," I sighed looking towards the sliding glass door.

It was dark out now, so I couldn't see anything except for when the sky would light up for a few seconds with lightning.

"It is nice," Michael said softly, "perfect weather to be inside."

"Yeah, cuddle weather," I said looking back at him.

"Let me clear the dishes and put the food away. Why don't you find us something to watch?" He asked reaching for my plate and stacking it on top of his.

"Okay," I said scooting my chair back and heading for the sofa.

I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. I scrolled through his streaming apps and decided on Netflix. I looked at the "Continue Watching" list and smiled when I realized we were watching similar shows.

"I love Parks and Rec, have you seen all of the seasons?" I asked over my shoulder.

"It's hilarious, isn't it? No, I'm actually just starting the second season."

"Do you want to watch that? I don't mind watching reruns," I offered.

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll be there in just a second."

"Okay, I'm going to use your bathroom. I'll be back," I said setting the remote on the coffee table and heading down the hallway.

I closed and locked the bathroom door behind me and immediately checked my teeth for any food.

Good, I sighed.

I quickly peed and thanked God that I didn't have to deal with pooping at his house right now. I always feel so awkward pooping at other people's houses. I washed my hands and dried them on the towel when the light suddenly turned off.

I yelped and fumbled for the doorknob. I cursed myself for locking it and finally got the door to open. The lights in the rest of the house were out too. The rain must have caused a power outage.

"Bea!" Michael called from the living room. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the dark, but I couldn't see anything as I followed the hallway wall until it ended.

"Michael?" I called out.

"Hold on," he said as I heard drawers opening and closing.

Suddenly the room was illuminated by a flashlight and I sighed with relief.

"That was scary," I laughed, "I thought I was going to be murdered in the bathroom."

He chuckled and walked towards me. He grabbed the box of matches off of the coffee table and handed me the flashlight.

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