49 - Fireworks

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Today was July 4th, which meant we would be flying home tonight after we watched the fireworks. I braided my hair into two fishtails and took in my appearance in the bathroom mirror. I was wearing a white cotton tee that was tucked into my cutoff shorts that had stars and stripes on the butt pockets. My red bikini top was visible through the thin shirt and I adjusted the tie around my neck before smiling with content.

I headed downstairs, my stomach rumbling for food, and joined everyone in the kitchen. 

"Morning," I greeted as I opened the bag of bread from the counter.

I blushed when I caught Michael's gaze and popped two pieces of bread into the toaster.

All of the seats were taken since I was the last person to come downstairs, so after I prepared my toast and cup of coffee I headed outside to the table on the deck. 

"Can I join you?" Mikey asked, from the doorway.

I looked up to find him smirking as he pulled out the chair next to me to take a seat.

"Have you guys planned out what you want to do?" I asked before taking a bite of my peanut butter toast.

"Some of the guys want to rent jet skis and I think everyone else is happy to just hang on the beach," he said, holding a mug to his chest as he spoke.

I nodded since my mouth was full.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

I finished chewing and swallowed before answering.

"Uh, I'm happy to just hang on the beach. I'm not really into water sports," I shrugged.

"Sounds good," he smiled.

"Ugh," Ale groaned as he opened in the slider and joined us outside.

"What's wrong?" I asked, noticing his frown as he plopped into a chair.

"Nothing," he shook his head, but it was obvious he was upset about something.

I figured it was about Luke, but shrugged when Michael gave me an inquisitive look.

"So, you gonna go jet skiing?" I asked, trying to get him in a better mood.

"I dunno, maybe," he shrugged.

"When you wanna head out?" I asked, addressing both of them.

"I'm ready whenever," Mikey said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Me too," Ale nodded.

I finished my last bite of toast and dusted my fingers off above my plate.

"Well then let's get outta here," I smiled, standing up and heading inside.

We walked down to the lake and set up on the beach. Cal, Gio, Siena, Ashton, and Ale headed to the jet ski rental shop while the rest of us set up blankets on the sand. I pulled out some sunscreen from my bag and motioned for Lucia to help me apply some to my back. I slipped off my shirt and worked on my chest while she did my back.

"Can I help you?" I teased, as Mikey watched me rub the lotion into my chest.

He chuckled and took off his shirt, grabbing the sunscreen from beside me and applying some to his arms.

"Thanks," I said as Lucia finished and I turned to do the same for her.

"I got you, Mikey," Luke joked as he grabbed the sunscreen and applied some to Michael's back.

"Thanks, mate," Michael said as he rubbed some into his chest, attempting to look sexy. 

I rolled my eyes at their shenanigans.

Lucia whispered over her shoulder at me, "I heard about last night."

I sighed and laughed slightly embarrassed, "Oh, God."

She laughed turning around to face me, "At least one of us is getting some."

I guess Siena didn't tell her about her night with Cal. There are too many secrets happening on this trip. 

"Luke is kinda hot," she commented as Luke tossed a frisbee to Michael several feet away.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," I shrugged. Oh God, don't tell me she has a crush. Not when Luke and Ale are secretly doing who knows what.

"He's single right?" she asked laying down on her stomach to tan her back.

"Um, yeah, I think--" I paused, debating if I should tell her otherwise, I didn't want her to get hurt, "I think he might actually be talking to someone though."

"Oh," she sighed, "well, nevermind then."

I let out a breath of relief that she had dropped the topic and leaned back on my elbows to watch the boys play. Something in the distance caught my attention on the water.

It was Siena waving from the back of a jet ski with Calum.  Ale, Gio, and Ashton each had their own and zoomed past them, making Siena shriek as the water splashed her and Calum. 

I waved back and laughed as they raced after Ale and Ashton in revenge.

I was going to join Lucia in tanning, but shirtless Michael running around was too much of a distraction so I hopped up and joined them in playing with the frisbee. They enjoyed a laugh when I tried to throw the frisbee and it went in the opposite direction and hit a woman who was tanning nearby. 

I apologized profusely to the woman who wasn't pleased and I yelled at the boys to shut up.

After a couple of hours, they returned their jet skis and we headed back to the cabin to make lunch. I helped Ashton again in the kitchen and prepared sandwiches for everyone.

"Food's ready!" I shouted as I pulled out a soda from the fridge, "You want one?" I asked Ashton.

"No, I'll take a beer," he said.

I pulled one out and handed it to him. We were scattered between the kitchen table, the island counter, and the deck table. Mikey and I were joined by Cal and Siena at the kitchen table. 

"Did you see him fall off?" Siena asked, chuckling to herself as she glanced at Calum.

"No," Michael and I both responded.

She laughed before beginning her story, "So, I said I wanted to try and drive it, right? So we, um, we traded position and--" she paused to laugh again, Calum chuckling as well, "I didn't realize it would go so fast, and he wasn't holding on to my waist yet and he flew backwards off of the jet ski."

We all erupted in laughter and I noticed how Calum touched her arm, "You didn't warn me or anything that you were going to go," he chided still laughing.

"Sounds like you guys had fun out there," Mikey smiled, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah, we did," Si said smiling at Cal, "What about you guys? What'd you guys do?"

"We played frisbee," I said, glancing at Michael, hoping he wouldn't tell them how horrendous my aim was.

He smirked at me and turned to Cal and Siena, a grin on his face, "Bea was really good. Her aim was perfect," he said sarcastically, "It was so good in fact, that she was able to clock a sleeping woman right in the head."

"Shut up," I whined, nudging his arm, "And I didn't hit her head, it was her shoulder."

Cal squawked with laughter, "That's hilarious. I wish I was there to see that."

I groaned with embarrassment, taking a sip of my soda. Mikey winked at me, rubbing his hand on my thigh.

After the meal, we cleaned up the cabin and packed our bags so that we were prepared to head out as soon as the fireworks show was over. 

I sighed as I leaned against Michael's chest and watched as the fireworks began. Despite the drama and uncertainty between Ale, Siena, Luke, and Calum, it was a wonderful weekend getaway and I wish we had one more night together.

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