35 - Exclusive

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I stretched and groaned as I rolled over to face the ceiling.

I was confused for a second before remembering that I slept at Michael's house. I smiled to myself as I turned my head to Michael's side of the bed. It was empty.

I unplugged my phone and unlocked it to read the two texts I had from my mom.

(mamma): Drive home safe
(mamma): Are you coming to church?

I checked the time and realized I had slept through the first service. It was already 10:45.

(me): Just woke up. Sorry. I didn't set any alarms. I'll see you at home.

The bathroom door suddenly opened and a steaming Michael appeared.

"Good morning," he smiled as he rubbed a towel through his hair.

He was in just a pair of jeans and looked so hot. I could definitely get used to this.

"Good morning," I smiled.

"You want to shower?" He asked holding the towel over his shoulders.

"Sure," I smiled.

"There's a clean towel behind the door."

I pulled back the covers and walked past him into the bathroom. It was hot and steamy and I opened the window in the bathroom to let some fresh air in.

I locked the door and turned the water on before brushing my teeth. He only had men's body wash, but I didn't mind, it would make me smell like him.

When I got out, I wiped the mirror and wrapped myself in a towel before entering the bedroom to retrieve the clothes I had worn yesterday. He had closed the bedroom door when he left and I quickly changed. I snooped through his drawers in his bathroom and found a brush and some deodorant.

When I was done I hung my towel behind the door and grabbed my phone and glass of water from the bedside table. When I walked into the living room Michael was in the kitchen preparing a smoothie now fully dressed in a long sleeve flannel that he left unbuttoned with a v-neck underneath.

"Hey," he said looking up from the blender, "you want a smoothie?"

"What kind?" I asked placing my phone and water on the kitchen table.

"Berries with spinach and some protein powder," he said as he pointed to each of the items on the counter.

"Okay, I'll try it," I said.

I looked outside to see that the rain had lightened up and it was only sprinkling. His backyard had flooded with water from the amount of rain that poured last night.

The blender whirled and reminded me that the power must have returned. I waited for him to finish with the blender before mentioning it.

"Hey, when did the power come back on?"

"This morning. It was around 5 am. It woke me up because the alarm was making sounds. I got up and turned off all the lights," he explained.

"When did you get up?"

"Fivish. When the power came on."

"Oh. Wait, so you slept for like 2 hrs and got up? Damn. How are you functioning right now?"

"Yeah," he chuckled, "That's what coffee is for. Besides I'm going to probably take a nap after I get some work done."

"That's good. So what have you been doing for the last six hours," I said as he poured our smoothies into two large glasses.

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