67 - She's Kinda Hot

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I waited outside the church in the parking lot anxiously. 

"Seriously, Bea, calm down,"  Ale sighed, rolling his eyes as I paced back and forth along the curb of the pavement, "You're going to break your ankle in those heels."

I glared at him and continued to pace, looking out for Mikey's car.

I paused as I saw his car pull into the lot. I smiled giddily and stepped down from the curb to meet him halfway so that he saw me. 

When he stepped out of the car I was breath taken by his outfit. He wore a pair of fitted black trousers with a white collared shirt beneath an olive green sweater. He adjusted his watch on his wrist and looked up, smiling as he noticed me approaching. Although most of his tattoos were covered, you could still see the ones on his neck and hands.

"Hi," I smiled as he slipped his keys into his pocket. 

"Hi," he said, pecking my lips before slipping his hand into mine. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You look hot," I commented squeezing his hand.

He chuckled and shook his head. 

"Do your parents know I'm here?" he asked as we approached the entrance and Ale waved.

"Just my mom," I said, stopping as Ale greeted Michael.

"Hey, bro, how's it going?" Ale asked, giving him a hug.

"Good, really good. You?" Mikey asked.

"Great," Ale nodded, smiling, unaware that Mikey and I both knew he was happily dating Luke.

"Let's head inside," I suggested, returning my hand to Mikey's and guiding him up the steps. 

I found the pew that my family was taking up, and when I say taking up, I mean really taking up a whole pew. There was barely room for the three of us to join.

When Siena saw us approaching she ushered for everyone to scoot down, causing the rest of the family to look our way. I noticed my mom pat my dad's leg when he saw who was joining us.

"Hi," Michael greeted with a smile as we took our seats. 

Siena wiggled her eyebrows at me and I just rolled my eyes.

Cat, made her way between everyone's legs until she was standing in front of Michael and climbed into his lap.

"Cat," I scolded.

"It's fine," Mikey smiled at me.

"Hi Mikey," she said as she pulled her activity bag onto my lap and pulled out the magnetic drawing board. 

She made herself comfortable on his lap and began drawing. Watching him praise her for her drawing skills made me smile. He's really good with kids.

The praise band had finished setting up on stage and the pastor walked up to the microphone. 

"Good morning church family! How are we all doing this morning?" he asked with a big smile, looking around.

"Good," I responded along with the rest of the congregation. 

I was happy to be back at church and to be sitting next to Mikey. It was an added bonus that I got to hear his beautiful voice when the praise music began. He caught me staring at him and winked, making me roll my eyes and bump him with my hip playfully. 

When the service was over, Mikey helped Cat return her activities to her bag. She hopped off his lap and ran to return it to the desk. 

"So, was it completely boring?" I asked, squeezing his hand.

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