52 - Empty House

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I screamed with excitement as I read the text from Michael that he was on his way over. Now, I hadn't exactly told him that my parents weren't here and that they had gone to a conference in Las Vegas. Or that Cat was staying with my Zia Aurora for the weekend.

But, I figured he would find out soon enough. I took a calming breath and finished curling my hair. I was considering cutting it off because of how damn long it took to style, but I remembered what it felt like to have no hair and shook the idea off. I walked into my room and stared at my closet.

What said "I want to have sex tonight", but wasn't too obvious about it?

I racked through all my clothes that were hung up and groaned in frustration. Maybe I should just stay like this? I smiled to myself as I looked down at my lingerie. Yes, I was wearing lingerie. I had gone shopping earlier in the week and purchased a new bra and underwear. They were black and lacey, and I hoped that Michael liked them. Guys like this sort of stuff don't they?

I decided on a pair of high waisted shorts and a cropped floral top that tied at my hip. I put on a belt to accentuate my curves and adjusted my boobs so that there was enough cleavage showing. I was just spritzing on some perfume when the doorbell rang. I quickly turned off my Bluetooth speaker and raced downstairs.

I took a breath and smoothed out my hair before opening the door.

I bit my lip to hide my obnoxious grin, "Hi."

He stepped inside and I noticed that he looked me up and down, "Hi, love."

"Come in," I gestured as I locked the front door and led him into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, glancing at the clock that said 5:25.

"Uh, not really," he shrugged, as he leaned against the kitchen counter and watched as I grabbed two water bottles from the fridge.

I handed one to him and leaned against the counter across from him, fully aware that it was making my cleavage even more visible.

"So, what did you want to do?" I asked, licking my lips as I appreciated his flexed arm muscles.

"Where is everyone?" he asked, looking down at my chest before meeting my eyes.

"Out," I simply stated.

He licked his lips and his eyes smiled at me.

I reached out my hand and ran my finger along his forearm. He flinched at how cold it was from holding the water bottle.

"We could go upstairs and figure something out," I suggested.

He bit his lip and chuckled, "What about when your parents get back?"

"They won't be back for a while," I said, "Trust me."

He looked reluctant, but I grabbed his hand and slowly led him upstairs.

My heart was racing with anticipation as I pushed him against my bed.

I quickly connected our lips, leaning in between his legs. I smiled with satisfaction as his hands gripped my waist. I bit his bottom lip and pulled back slowly.

I watched as his eyes rolled forward and he opened them to look at me.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked, hooking his fingers through my belt loops and pulling me back towards him.

I smiled into his green eyes and let the tension build before locking our lips once again. This time I didn't hold back and neither did he. His hands slid down the back of my legs and lifted me up, throwing me down onto the bed. I watched as he climbed on top of me and stared down at me.

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