Mikey POV Ch 4

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"Here's your change," I smiled as I handed the money to the couple that had just ordered. 

Two girls in line behind them stepped forward as I closed the cash drawer. When I looked up, the girl was looking down from the menu. 

"Hi--" she paused in shock.

It was Bea from the tattoo shop with Siena. 

"Hi," I replied, surprised to see them here, "You're not stalking me are you?" I teased, raising my brow.

"What?" She laughed uncomfortably, her cheeks turning red, "no, I had no idea you worked here."

"Well she did," I said, pointed to Siena.

I watched as she glared at her friend or sibling, or whoever she was.

To my surprise they started conversing in a foreign language, looking back at me every so often.

I cleared my throat to regain their attention

"Uh, it's pretty obvious that you are talking about me, so you might as well just say it in English," I smirked.

"Oh," Bea said looking at Siena in embarrassment.

"I was just explaining that you had mentioned this is where you worked yesterday and I really wanted to try it out. Bea, here," She elbowed her shoulder, "thought I was trying to get with you."

I smiled to myself as Bea's eyebrows shot up in shock, her cheeks turning redder.

"No offense, but you're not my type," Siena said to me.

"Oh, well, none taken," I shrugged, not concerned because I didn't have any attraction to her.

I smiled, drumming my finger on the iPad, "So. If you're ready I can take your orders."

"Right," Bea said as she glanced back up at the menu, "Uh-I'll just have a cappuccino but with an extra shot. And...uh...breakfast sandwich. No bacon."

"Okay," I said selecting her order before asking Siena, "and for you?"

"Just a cup of coffee, room for cream," Siena said.

"Okay, 2.75 is your total," I said as I overrode the price to give them a discount.

"What? Are you sure you charged everything?" Bea asked scrunching up her face with confusion.

"I might have docked off some dollars in exchange for you buying me gelato yesterday," I smiled, cocking my head to the side.

"Seriously, it's not necessary, I want to pay you in full," She insisted as she grabbed her wallet out.

"Think of it as repayment for having to see my face so early in the morning," I chuckled.

"Whatever," She sighed, shaking her head as she handed me a five-dollar bill.

When I returned her change she dropped it into the tip jar on the counter and winked. I smiled back at her counter play, not expecting her to push back. I definitely need to get to know this girl.

I dropped their coffees at their table and returned to the counter to clean up what I had used to prepare them. When I turned back around she was standing at the counter. I couldn't help but notice her dimples as she smiled widely at me.

"I'm really sorry, but would it be possible to get the sandwich to-go?" she asked.

"Yeah, no problem," I shook my head.

I entered the kitchen and looked for the plate with her food on it. I threw on a pair of gloves and wrapped it up in parchment. I grabbed a paper bag from beneath the workspace and put it inside. I grabbed some napkins and threw them inside. I was about to leave when I paused. This is the perfect opportunity to give her your number.

I smiled to myself as I wrote my phone number down on one of the napkins before placing it back in the bag. 

"Here you go," I smiled, my heart pumping nervously as she grabbed the bag and thanked me.

Fuck, I hope she sees it. And she texts me.

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