54 - Five Years Free

75 1 0

My palms were sweating as I sat on the sofa next to Cat. We were watching a Disney movie, or rather she was watching it. I was impatiently waiting for the call from my doctor with the results from my blood tests. The physical exam went well, but we were still waiting on the test results and I couldn't help but feel like they were going to bring bad news. It just seemed to good to be true. I was happy, I had a wonderful boyfriend, and I was about to confess my love to him.

Something bad was bound to happen soon.

My phone vibrated and dinged in my hand and I quickly looked down at it.

It was only a text, from Mikey. I unlocked my phone to view it and smiled at the heart emoji he had sent me. My phone began to ring and my heart raced as I answered it.

"Hello?" I said as I grabbed Cat's hand and squeezed it.

"Is it your doctor?" my mom called from the kitchen.

I turned around and nodded, standing up and putting the phone on speaker as I walked towards her and my dad.

"Hi Beatrice, I've got your results here," he said calmly and slowly.

My mom and dad grabbed my hands and I shook my leg wishing he would just spit the news out already.

"I am happy to tell you that you are still in remission. Congratulations, Beatrice."

My mom let out a deep breath and I bounced up and down with joy and relief.

"Thank you so much," I said, fighting the urge to cry.

I hung up the phone and my parents wrapped me in a tight hug.

Thank you, God. Thank you!

"Hey!" Cat called, "I want a hug too."

We all laughed and scooped her up to join us. After a few moments, I pulled away wiping my eyes.

"I've gotta call Mikey," I smiled, picking my phone up from the kitchen table.

I ran up the stairs to my room and closed my door. It only rang once before he answered.

"Hey," he answered, "so, did you get your results?"

"Yep," I smiled to myself, "Clean bill of health."

I heard him let out a breath of relief, "Thank God."

"So, the dinner party is on!"

"Excellent, what time should I come?" he asked with excitement.

"Uh, actually where are you at right now?" I asked as I ran my fingers over my clothes hanging in my closet.

"Uh, I'm at work, why?"

"I'll come get you, there's something I want to do before the party," I said, as I picked out something cute to wear.

"Okay, what time will you be here?" he asked.

"Uh, probably in thirty minutes."

"Okay, see you soon, love."

I threw on the outfit I had picked out and a pair of shoes before racing down the stairs.

"I'm going out, I'll be back in time for dinner!" I shouted before leaving the house.

I blasted some happy music and couldn't help but occasionally scream with happiness as I drove to Michael's coffee shop. This means that I can finally think about my future. With Michael. I don't have to worry about ruining things by getting sick.

I turned down the music and pressed Michael's name on my car's media center.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey, I'm outside."

"Kay, be there in just a minute," he said before hanging up.

I turned the music back up and danced to the song the was playing, closing my eyes as I sang along. I jumped when the passenger door open.

"Cazzo," I mumbled, clutching my chest after I turned the music down.

"Having fun?" he smiled.

I nodded and he pulled my face in for a kiss.

"I'm so happy," he whispered when he pulled away.

I smiled, the warm feelings in my chest radiating throughout my body.

"So, where is it that we're stopping?" he asked as he buckled his seat belt.

"Oh! Right," I remembered my plan and put the car in drive, "I'm getting a tattoo."

He laughed, but then realized I was serious and raised his pierced brow.

"Wait, what? Right now?"

I chuckled and nodded my head, "Yep. I've been waiting for this day to finally cover up my port scar."

Michael made it a point to tell me that my scar didn't need to be hidden before asking me what exactly I was going to get. I explained my simple design and he told me it would look beautiful. I had already made plans with my Zio Lorenzo for him to give me the tattoo should I get the news that I wanted. He was an expert in fine line work and was the best person for the job.

After hugs and kisses from everyone in the shop--Daniele, Ale, Kyle, Matteo, and of course Lorenzo--I removed my cardigan and climbed into the chair.

Mikey took a seat in a rolling stool next to me and pushed my hair aside to reveal the spot.

"You sure you don't want to get a tattoo somewhere else?" he asked seductively in my ear.

I laughed and playfully slapped his arm, "Shut up."

"I'm just going to put the stencil on and then you can let me know if you want to change the location or anything at all," Lorenzo said as he walked towards me with the transfer paper.

I nodded familiar with the process and he transferred the stencil onto my skin. He handed me a mirror and I stared down at the design. The leaf on the stem lined up perfectly with my scar and the flower petals curved below my collar bone.

"It's perfect," I smiled, handing him back the mirror and looking over at Mikey.

He nodded and smiled back.

Lorenzo pulled his blue gloves over his hands and got to work.

"Why that flower?" Mikey asked as Lorenzo worked.

"The lily of the valley is my birth flower. And means the return of happiness," I explained.

"Wow, I feel like an idiot. 99 percent of my tattoos have like no meaning," Mikey chuckled.

"Me neither," Lorenzo nodded.

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