31 - Cuddle weather

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It was finally Friday. Dinner with my family on Monday night was spent talking mostly about me, which I hated. I don't like being the center of attention, especially when there was no reason for it, I wasn't sick! But, my mom, being the Italian mother that she is, of course, had to make a big deal out of it.

Marco and Aurora asked about how things were going with Michael, which only sent my mom into a full-on gushing story about how Michael was the one who took me to the ER. She had to tell them every little detail even about how he didn't get upset when dad was accusing him of hurting me. Everyone ooo'd and aw'd making me blush uncomfortably.

Thankfully I was spared anymore embarrassment because Daniele's wife went into labor! He had called to announce that they were on their way to the hospital while we were eating dinner. He was so sure it was another false alarm—they had had five already in the last week, especially since she was overdue—but it turns out he was wrong. They welcomed baby Dominico early the next day, which meant we each took our turns going to visit the newest addition to the family. It was bizarre having a cousin that I was 24 years older than, but at least Cat would have someone closer to her age as they grew up.

Deep down it made me happy that my family felt good about Michael like I did. Especially since Michael lived far from his friends and family, it was nice to know that mine could be there for him if he needed anything. I was still determined to get to know Michael better tonight on our date. I felt like I had told him something really personal and I didn't want to scare him away.

I was home with Cat watching tv in the living room until my mom got back from the grocery store and I could leave. It had been gloomy all day, with the sky looking like it would chuck buckets at any minute. Luckily, it wasn't raining yet, so the drive to Michael's house wouldn't be too bad.

He was going to cook dinner for us and we would decide on something to stream. I had already gotten ready for the night. I wore a similar outfit to last time, leggings and an oversized sweater with some sneakers. I was happy that my arm was already healing and no longer hurt. I just need a simple band-aid to keep it covered. Cat had fallen asleep with her head in my lap on the sofa, so I changed the channel from Disney to FreeForm. An old episode of The Foster's was playing. I used to watch the show, but the newer seasons just got to be too drama for me to handle.

I played with Cat's hair while she slept and smiled at how big she was getting.

I can't believe you're going to be in first grade already. I feel like just yesterday you were in diapers.

I heard the garage door open and carefully got up without disturbing Cat. I placed a pillow under her head and walked out to the garage.

"Hey, ma, need help?" I asked as she hopped out of the car.

"Yes, please. Tell Cat to come and help too," she said as she walked around to the back of the car.

"It's okay, she's sleeping," I said as I grabbed a couple of grocery bags from the trunk.

"Poor baby, she didn't sleep well last night. She came into dad and I's room in the middle of the night crying from nightmares," she said as she followed me into the house carrying a case of water.

"Aw," I said feeling bad for her.

I set the bags on the floor and returned to the car to get the rest while my mom started to unpack.

I grabbed the last few bags and closed the trunk. I noticed that it was starting to rain as I closed the garage door.

I better leave soon.

"I'm going to leave to Michael's after I put these away," I told my mom as I sat the last bags on the floor, "It's starting to rain and I don't want to get stuck in traffic."

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