he's must be on drugs

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authors note from a year after i published this: THIS IS A REALLY BAD CHAPTER I SWEAR IT GETS BETTER LMAO 

"Diana?" Anne asked a hint of worry laced in her voice. 
"Yes, Anne?" Diana replied, her head facing Anne, who looked down at the sidewalk ahead of her. 
The two kindred spirits walked side by side to their first day of Junior year. 
"Do you think this year will be good?" Anne asked. 
Usually, Diana would make a joke about how it will suck or we should all drop out but Diana could hear the worry in her friends' voice and knew it wasn't the best time for a joke.
"I don't see why not... why would you think it wouldn't be any good?" Diana asked to the still worried Anne.
  "I don't know..." she replied still obviously hesitant on the idea of going back to school.
  "Well, you see Anne" Diana stopped walking, facing Anne grabbing both of her hands.
  "Ruby, Tillie, Jane, Josie and you are good friends, Billy stopped being friends with Gilbert and Cole over the summer for reasons- so he won't be bothering you. We have both Gilbert and Cole to back you- us up if anything does happen. Also, you're the smartest person in our class. So why would you be nervous?" Diana Barry always knew exactly what to say to her beloved bosom friend Anne. Anne took a deep breath in before saying,
  "Your right-" Anne let out her deep breath letting go of Diana's hand and slightly chucking before continuing down the path to their maybe awaited doom.
  "It's... just Blythe." Anne finally admitting her true worry.
  "Yeah, makes sense he does complete our friend group- being friends with Cole and all... But nobody is forcing you two be best friends forever... you tolerate him and that's good enough...  and speaking of the devil." Diana looked across the street Anne's head following Diana's.

  "Hey, Cole!" Anne yelled out.
  "- and Gilbert" Diana added giving a look of disapproval to Anne. The two boys checked to see if any cars were coming (being the good boys they are) before crossing the street joining the girls on their walk to school. Gilbert stood on the far left, Cole next to him, Anne and Diana on the far right forming on big line across the sidewalk. 
  "How are you both?" Diana asked being polite.
  "Nervous I guess?" Cole replied.
  "See Diana I'm not the only one who is nervous," Anne said while slightly nudging Diana.
  "I don't know why you would be nervous Anne- you're the smartest girl in school," Gilbert said to Anne.
  "Thank you, Blythe- but it's not intelligence I'm worried about I know I'll do fine in that department-- and you say that like we're not tied in everything," Anne replied coldly.
   Anne would usually never start a conversation with Gilbert but if he talked to her she would reply, which is a step up from last year where she would bluntly ignore him when she pleased. She says she only talks to him for the sake of her friendship between Cole and Diana. It's mostly cold and quick replies because Diana says it obnoxious and immature to ignore him completely. Anne had forgiven "Blythe" over an incident that happened when she first arrived in Avonlea, but it didn't mean she didn't find him extremely annoying at times. Also, they are tied In basically everything which only infuriated her more. It does make her work harder always trying to be first but she would never admit that to anyone especially Diana who would bring it up at any chance she could. 'Oh you complain about Gilbert but he's the reason you do so well in school' or 'I see you're trying to pass Gilbert again' with some sort of sly grin.  Anne could imagine it cringed at the thought of it. Anne and Gilbert were best friends to some, she would say they were just friends purely cause they always have to be around each other and talk to each other Anne would not even talk to him it wasn't for Diana and Cole- it would never be more then just friends to Anne though. 
  "So, Anne is there is a logical reason why you don't follow Gilbert on twitter?" Cole said trying to make conversation.
  "I think I just forgot to follow him after I unblocked him last year" Anne replied.
  "Wow thanks-" Gilbert said slightly offended. 
  "I'll follow you right now if it matters so much to you Blythe," She said recognizing his tone. While pulling out her phone to follow him back, Cole changed topics to some stupid dating rumors that happened over the summer. Completely losing Anne's attention. She only caught little bits of their conversation "Ruby is bi maybe" and "Josie likes Billy" The name Billy just made her walk slightly faster causing her to split away from the group.    
   Anne really didn't care much for the Ruby being bi cause it's might just be a rumor and if she was ruby would come to her at the right time to tell her. But also Josie could do some much better than that dishrag of a human, Anne thought to herself slowly getting further and further away from her friends purely on accident getting lost in her thoughts forgetting the world around her.
   Diana didn't really think twice when Anne walked away, Cole always felt like "some fucking farmer tending to livestock in an open field" when he saw one of them walk away, sometimes he would say something to get her back if he wanted her input on whatever conversation they were having. Today he knew that she had zero interest in dating rumors. So he let the sheep stray away today. Gilbert was and never would be used to her randomly walking away. To be fair he thought it was cause she was mad, finding it slightly rude.
  "Why does she walk off." Gilbert said interrupting the conversation Cole and Diana were having.
  "Lots of thoughts go through her head Gilbert even you know that" Diana replied thinking she was kind of just stating the obvious.
  "Yeah but that doesn't explain why she leaves can't she just think with us instead of walking off.." Gilbert had to admit one of the reasons he found it annoying was he always liked to be amiss her presence and her walking away kind of cut that short for him.
  "There is no need to walk off its kind of rude if I'm being honest" He finished.
  "Wow someone sister snap-" Cole tried to say before being cut off by Diana.
  "I don't know... Gilbert we distract her I guess but don't question it cause 99% of the time she is not mad, you will be able to tell when she is mad." She tensed up thinking about "mad Anne"
  "Her being mad can't be that bad" Cole said still being somewhat new to their friend group only arriving halfway through last years school year.
  "Oh gosh it's horrible.. worst thing"
  "I'd rather die than have Anne be mad at me again." Diana and Gilbert said at the same time.
  "Don't call her carrots, Cole," Gilbert said genuinely trying to help. The three kept walking while talking about how mad Anne can get until they reached their final destination.      

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