why am i the first

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"Ok I think we aree finishedd" Gilbert said closing his notebook and smiling in relief at Anne who sat at his desk. She looked over at him saying
"I think so... till next week?" Anne was smiling back at him of course unconsciously thinking his smile was precious.
"Well you don't have to go yet.." Gilbert boldly said to Anne making eye contact. He didn't want her to leave- and neither did she to be honest but she wasn't going to be saying that out loud.
"I don't know what else you want to do we finished the math, Gil" Anne replied still maintaining eye contact which was a first. Gilbert just held his breath- Gil? Did she just call him Gil.
"Well do you want to go for a walk?" He asked her still holding in his breath a little.
"Sure." Anne's smile widen a little more-
"Let me text Marilla that I'll be later then expected" Anne finally broke their eye contact to grab her phone and text Marilla.
At the Cuthbert house, Diana and Cole were there for dinner to inpatient to wait till the next day to hear how Anne and Gilbert's homework session went, also secretly they were hoping to see Gilbert walk her home.
"Anne won't be making it to dinner, kids" Marilla told them walking into the room that had a perfect view of the front of the house.
"Wait what happened" Diana was first to ask moving her head to look at Marilla.
"It's taking longer to finish the homework then they thought... so you still want to stay for dinner?"
"We would love to."
"I love your food so please"
The two replied, Marilla gave them a smile and walked out of the room for them to continue starring out the window.
"Something is fishy" Cole was first to state.
"Definitely" Diana replied looking at him sensing something else was going on.
"The two smartest kids in school needing extra hours to finish one thing? I think the flamingo not."
Little did they know that their suspicions were right and that the two finished the math awhile ago and now we're on a walk to Anne's safe place.
"Where are we going Anne? Or are we walking to no where. Omg are you walking me deep into the woods to murder me and leave my body to rot" Gilbert asked waking behind Anne thinking they have been walking forever.
"No- no what the fuck. there is a destination it's sacred grounds so it kind of takes awhile to get there also I wanted to the take the long way, more scenic." Anne replied looking behind her to give Gilbert a reassuring smile that she wasn't going to brutally murder him.
"One day I was exploring and bam there it was my now second home." Anne said as they approached their destination looking at the place in awe.
"Wow.. it's seems very quaint. I like it- charming"
It was a tiny building made out of wood, slightly slanted. It was so out from anyone's home and smack down in the middle of the woods, Anne could just manage to stand inside, Gilbert can't cause he's to tall but Anne stood with just half an inch above her. It's a little run down from probably standing for years now but it was still beautiful to Anne.
"Oh! I almost forgot." Anne said turning around to face Gilbert.
"You can not tell anyone about this place.. not even Diana or Cole"
"Um.. they don't know about this place?"
"Ok why am I the first?" Gilbert was confused Anne would usually never trust him enough to tell him anything so sacred- or so he thought.
"Well Diana and Cole would come every five minutes whenever they needed me If I wasn't replying to them for more then an hour and that would just be annoying when I'm trying to be alone. I think you know better to come every time someone needs me, but I need to tell someone just in case someone needs me in a true emergency so they could get me" Anne said to him hoping that it all made sense. There was more to it and Gilbert could kind of tell it was much more then a 'they would come to often' but he was to scared to ask at that moment.
"So I can't come here unless it's with you or an emergency?" Gilbert asked. She was about to say exactly but changed her mind last minute.
" I mean... everyone needs alone time so if you do you're more then welcome to.. but don't bother me every day.. but I swear Gilbert Blythe if you tell a soul about this place I'll actually never talk to you.. this time. This is my safe place" Anne finally finished looking at him being 100% serious. The two were facing each other completely now but there was still a good four feet apart from each other.
"My lips are sealed Anne Shirley. But one question" Anne looked up at him so he could continue.
"There is more to it- do you not trust them?"
At once she looked away from him looking past him at the forest behind him, she wasn't going to tell him the real reason at first but for some reason something took over and she gave him the real reason.
"Did you know Diana and Cole were my first real best friends?" She was looking back at him, making eye contact once again. It was like they were both looking into each other souls now.
"No I didn't know-" he maintained the eye contact but he was confused on why she wasn't answering his question and trying to change topics.
"I have had friends" She air quoted friends in the air.
"I mean I trust Diana and Cole I trust them with majority of everything in my life but this is... different. All my past friends would act to like my friends then one day flip it would be part of a greater scheme to embarrass me or if I had a true friend like Diana or Cole the government was like no and would move me again. And I don't...I'm scared that one day they will flip too, then where would I go? This is the one place I have that nobody knows. Well did know about. so if something were to happen I will always have this place to run to and I don't want that to be ruined... you know?" As she talked her head slowly went away from Gilbert's scared of how he would react so once again she was looking at the forest behind him. Gilbert was just in shock he wasn't expecting that and to be honest neither was Anne.
"Yes I understand.. you secrets will forever and always be safe with me Anne." Anne didn't look at him but started smiling it was a weight being lifted from her.

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