who would be your type

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It was a few days before Christmas, the last time Cole, Anne, Di, and Gilbert will see each other before New Years'. Diana had to beg her parents to let her go to Anne's for New Years'. Of course, Anne was already currently at Gilbert's house, she laid on the ground of his room. Staring up at the ceiling talking as Gilbert who was on the other side of the room hidden by his bed. Wrapping presents quickly.

"No, I'm asking if theoretically if you were bi or gay, would you or would you not date Cole?" Anne asked. There was a cut of wrapping paper from the other side of the room.

"No," Gilbert stated, taking paper and pulling it over the present, tapping it.

"You wouldn't even find him attractive?" Anne asked.

"No," Gilbert repeated, the sound of him ripping tape and placing it on his nightstand echoed as Anne thought of how to continue.

"Come on you don't think Cole is hot? I think he is" Anne said, Gilbert made a face, shocked for just a second.

"I mean he's attractive but he isn't... He wouldn't be like my... type. If I was gay or bi in this world"

"Damn who would be your type?"

"Have you ever watched the 100?" Gilbert asked, muffled as he had tape in his mouth.

"Besides a few episodes? No."

"Okay me too, but you know... Bellamy?" Gilbert said quickly trying to focus on making this current gift look good.

"No way! He would be your type?" Anne said, starting to laugh.

"He's an attractive man." Gilbert quickly stated, now measuring out a new piece of paper. "Would you date Diana?" Gilbert asked after the room fell silent.

"I have it was awful,"

"Why?" Gilbert asked as she cut the paper.

"It was fine until we kissed and we both realized we needed to stay as friends," Anne simply stated. "Are you almost done?" Anne asked, getting bored of asking Gilbert ridiculous questions.

"No, but I'm almost done with your gifts and then you can come over here"

"Oh my god, I can finally come to the other side of the wall soon!" Anne sarcastically said.

After a few minutes, Anne finally got up and walked over to Gilbert. Her head in his lap as he wrapped. She tore pieces of tape for him and placed them on various parts of his face, laughing each time, as he pulled them off and used them to wrap presents. Gilbert tried to suppress from giving up wrapping to just be with Anne until their friends arrived. Which should be soon. He continued to wrap laughing with her as he felt around his face for a new piece of tape. Gilbert was a slow wrapper, taking his time with everything trying to make sure it came out almost perfectly. Even though Anne reminded him it will be ripped within a few seconds. Anne was slow but Gilbert was a whole new level. Anne took more time on extra stuff like bows and flowers on the outside and Gilbert only really ever puts a name tag on the outside.

He folded the last piece grabbing a piece of tape hanging from his chin and placing it on the paper. He slid the package away from him where they gathered in a corner of the room. The remaining pieces on his face he placed them on Anne's forehead, making her giggle. Anne looked down at the floor quickly realizing that he had nothing else to wrap. Getting up from his lap she sat in front of Gilbert cross-legged like him, their knees touching.

"Um you kinda have something right there," Gilbert said smiling indicating to her forehead where the pieces of tape still hung. Covering her eyes just slightly.

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