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Anne sat on her bathroom counter, her head only a foot away from the mirror. Music from her playlist echoing against the walls. She combed out the last few strands of red waves trying to get her hair to be as straight and unknotted as she could. Anne carefully climbed off the counter and opened one of the doors underneath her, she managed to fish out her curling iron, plugging it into the wall near her. Once again she climbed on top of the counter switching to the next song in her playlist Slow Dancing in the Dark by Joji started to play. Anne closed out of her music app and went to messages waiting for her curling iron to heat up. She had one text from Gilbert reading:

Still on for 2? Anne read it quickly and started typing a reply fast.

Yup! See you then :) Anne clicked send, and set down her phone beside her, the screen facing up. Anne picked up the extremely hot iron and started to grab one strand of hair, creating a controlled soft curl to it. The strand fell back where it was. The skin underneath becoming warm temporarily. She picked up the next stand and repeated her actions, going around her whole head. Anne was almost at the back of her head when the music stopped being replaced by a loud facetime ringtone. Anne put her curling iron in her hand leaning over to see who was calling her. She took her free hand and swiped across the screen answering the call. The phone still being set face up next to her giving the person on the other end an up angle of what Anne was doing. Anne watched the call connect and started to resume the curling of her hair.

"Anne, are you free today because Cole and I really want to go see that new movie... I forgot the name but that movie. You should come with us." Diana excitedly said into the phone, she held her phone in front of her as she laid against the headboard of her bed. If Anne looked down she would be able to see Diana clearly

"Um, yeah I can't. Busy." Anne said as she let loose another curl it falling down her back. Diana looked at her phone trying to figure out what Anne was doing.

"Pleaseeeee." Diana pleaded into the phone, "I think you'll enjoy the movie." Diana added standing up from her bed and walking over to her desk, setting the phone against the wall her desk was against. She started to play with her chair going up and down like a child.

"Well, the fact that you forgot the name really says I'll enjoy it!" Anne replied sarcastically. "... Isn't Gilbert going anyways? I got stuff to do." Anne half-lied. Anne picked up a strand of her hair that was closer to face again, starting the other side. The curling iron now in view for Diana.

"No... Um, Cole said he's busy too... Are you curling your hair?" Diana asked, her desk chair seat almost reaching the ground, her head just barely resting above her desk.

"Yeah... Well, you can either have a Cole and Di date night or..." Anne started she looked down at her phone, a smug smile on her face. "Invite Ruby." Anne finished. Diana smiled and rolled her eyes. "What! Maybe you can figure out if she actually likes you, it's not like she is straight. There is a possibility." Anne argued.

"Yes, a very very very very very small possibility." Diana refuted her desk chair finally at a normal height and her head in her hand.

"Maybe Ruby would very much enjoy your forgotten named movie," Anne said turning back to the mirror and continuing to curl her hair.

"She probably busy." Diana continued to argue.

"Doesn't hurt to ask." Anne refuted now, her hair was almost done. The red beast looking almost tamed, from its weird waves her braids always made.

"Fine, I'll ask if YOU tell me why yoUR CURLING YOUR HAIR!!" Diana playfully yelled at Anne. Anne rolled her eyes at the reflection in the mirror, getting off the counter, walking over to the outlet and unplugging the curling iron. "Um hello!? Tell mee!" Diana said to her phone. Anne walked back to her phone picking it up and bringing Diana into her room. She set the phone on her nightstand face down and grabbed the outfit she had already picked out off her bed. Anne started to change into her outfit out of view of the camera.

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