isnt she wonderful

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"Are you two ready"
Marilla called out to Matthew and Anne who were still upstairs getting ready for the day.
"Yes" Anne yelled out with a bag around her shoulder and running full speed down the stairs excited for the day.
"Yes, I'm coming" Matthew said calmly after Anne walking down the stairs at a much slower pace then his daughter.

The three got into the car and instantly Anne grabbed the Aux cord, playing early 2000s bops. They were going to the local beach which was only a 20 minute drive by car, but for Anne that 20 minutes felt like 40 for how excited she was. Anne couldn't sit in her seat still for more then two seconds, she has been to the beach with Marilla and Matthew before but she always gets as excited as she did like it was the first time. As a child Anne never got to do anything fun in the foster homes. She was never able to settle in enough for her to join a "family holiday" before getting moved once more by the government. She almost got to go to a theme park when she was 10 but of course the government moved her a week beforehand causing her not being able to go. But ever since she got adopted by her favorite people they got to do fun stuff that she never got to do as a child and most importantly she didn't have to worry about being moved before the big day.

As soon as Marilla parked the car reaching their destination Anne swung the door wide open, accidentally slamming it shut behind her, running full speed ahead to the shoreline. After taking her cover up clothes that were on top of her bathing suit and her shoes putting them messily in her bag she was finally able to reach her destination sighing a sense of relief as her feet touched the cold water getting to do something her younger self would be envious of. She decided to sit in the water letting the waves hit her legs as they came in. Taking in the beauty that is the beach. How the light blue sky with little white fluff balls moved across slowly, reaching its destination watching over the ocean with her, how occasionally light beams poked through the fluff. She loved how the light blue sky crashed into the dark blue water which sparkled from the sun,  waves miles out would occasionally occur, and closer to the shoreline waves occurred more frequently crashing into the sand every few seconds making the start of the ocean have little bits of white foam.

"Oh Matthew isn't she wonderful?" Anne looked up at him who had finally approached Anne.
"Who?" He asked.
"The ocean" she replied with one tear forming in her eye.
"Yeah I guess so."

That night Anne went to sleep with a smile on her face. She thrived outside specially by herself not having anyone to judge her. She remembered the feeling of the waves hitting her ankles and laughing with her family

-her family

What a wonderful thing.

Before drifting off the sleep Anne looked out the window.
"Goodnight moon- is Earth your family? I would like to think so... you two seem to get along. Well if so I'm glad we both have a family now"


@annewithane my happy place with people who make me happy213 likes, 15 comments

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@annewithane my happy place with people who make me happy
213 likes, 15 comments

@d.berries wow best friend you a cutie

@cole.oof can I join family time next time?
@annewithane sure b

@rubes wow how beautiful

An: we love a cute little chapter
Also the end makes me smile (like writing end not the insta post)

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