tell your little boyfriend

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      Anne was walking down the hallway minding her own busniness on her way to meet Cole and Diana at their last class period, and Gilbert who would also be meeting there too from his last period- Gilbert. It was Thursday and Anne just realized she would have to go to Gilbert's house after dropping her stuff at her own house. Its not like she didn't want to go there she just didn't want to do the homework. As she thought about her new plan for the afternoon her walking pace slowed down, groups of friends going around her wanting to go home some pushing through but most just going around her. All expect one person was going past, he wanted to talk to her.

   "Hey Anne." he said tapping her on the shoulder from behind. Anne turned around to see who needed her, as soon as she saw who it was she took a step back a little panic going through her veins scared for what he wanted. She soon realized that majoirty of the people have already left the building on their ways home meaning the hallway was pretty empty which sent another wave of panic going through her.

   " Hello." Anne's voice was weary, as every second past she was getting a little more scared. Now there was only three people in the hallway the school was a ghost town suddently.

   " Can we talk for a second?" he said with hope in his eyes.

  "Talk? Thats new usually its um" she said taking another step back her voice still a little shakey.

"About that- I wanted to talk about that." He said his head slightly down in shame. Anne looked at her phone checking the time, she thought this should only would take a second cause either she would start running cause of sudden change of heart from him or he would say something stupid quickly.

  "Fine- go ahead." she said with a side smile, kinda confused at herself. Thats when

Billy Andrews

looked up at her being so thankful.

"OK thank goodness- I wanted to say im sorry. I truely mean it, Anne. You dont have to forgive me in fact i'm not expecting you to forgive me if i'm being honest. But I wanted you to know that I feel so bad for everything I've ever said about you. And I promise with my full heart nothing like that will ever happen again." Billy said meaning every word that came out of his mouth.

  " Wow.. um I didn't expect that. I don't know if I can completly forgive you right this very second. You know? Just give me time BIlly, fresh start how about that? Everyone deserves a second chance. " she said looking at him with a smile.

"Yes, fresh start. I like that. Oh! Also tell your little boyfriend that i'm sorry too so he doesn't have to worry anymore, i'm not in the mood to ice my face for 2 weeks again." Billy said laughing. But Anne wasn't laughing she was just really confused. Boyfriend? Ice face? Worry? None of that made sense to her. Billy could see the sudden confusion on her face.

  "You two are not dating?" He asked.


"Gilbert." Anne was visibly shocked. Gilbert? What did he do- what did he say? Boyfriend? haha he would never like her like that. Right?

"Oh yeah, we're not dating. We only just became good friends until recently, in fact."

"Oh I though you guys were dating, thought that would be the only he would protect you- well i actually have to go, Prissy is here to pick Jane and I up. Thank you again, Anne." Billy said starting walking away waving at Anne. She waved back saying Bye. Leaving her with a bunch of thoughts. The main one being-

What did that dumbass do?


"Hey sorry i'm late, I was having a little chat with someone." Anne said running up to her friends who had slightly worried looks on their face from her absences.

"Who were you talking to? Any cute guys???" Cole asked laughing. Just the thought of Anne talking to some cute guys made Gilbert clench his jaw, Gilbert being the jealo-

"Um about that- Gilbert." Anne asked turning her direction to him.

"Yeah." Gilbert replied still slightly angry.

"What does Billy Andrews mean that you protected me?" she asked confused. At once all three of their eyes went wide asking themselves how does she know.

"You were talking to Billy?" Gilbert asked the anger in his voice a little more.

"Um Yeah?"

"I though he learned-"

"Are you ok? DId he say anything?" Cole asked taking the lead seeing how GIlbert looked like he was about to blow up any second now.

"No he just apoligized then said tell your little boyfriend that im sorry so he doesnt have to protect me. And to be honest I'm really confused." Everyones eyes went wide, and Gilbert ended up going to the bathroom purely cause he was actually so mad for so many different reasons. Diana and Cole ended up explaining everything to her, and when Gilbert came back Anne said with a smile.

"Hey, thank you Gil. But you didn't have to."

"I wanted to, nobody should talk about you like that and get away with it."

"Thank you then."

an- ooo its thursdayyyyyy anywho- yeah the next chapter is really long so I decided to post this little pre homework session first. To be honest I don't know why Im making Billy a sOmewhaT good guy. Hes not a bully in the books so like- whatever. But either way What diD bIlLY dO???

This isn't one of my pre written chapters I legit wrote this today so that's why it might be a little off grammar wise and just how it's sounds

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