fries before guys

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@annewithane How do days with Ruby always end up with her playing with my hair?67 likes, 12 comments

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@annewithane How do days with Ruby always end up with her playing with my hair?
67 likes, 12 comments

@rubes cause your hair is the best thing in my life
@gilbert Same
@annewithane that's sad that my hair has made that much of an impact on your lives.
@gilbert it's not just your hair that has made an impact
@annewithane 🙄 I hate you sometimes
@gilbert Okay Anne

@d.berries the mismatched hair ties are bugging me way too much
@annewithane I'm sorry :(

@gilbert Rip the flowers used for ruby's enjoyment
@annewithane Don't remind me
@gilbert Sorry
@annewithane Okay you're forgiven
@cole.oof I'm so confused--

@cole.oof what are you Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz with that shirt?
@annewithane Yes. 

@gilbert the sunset last night was beautiful, but the night stars are even better :)45 likes, 16 comments

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@gilbert the sunset last night was beautiful, but the night stars are even better :)
45 likes, 16 comments

@cole.oof you okay bud?
@gilbert Can a guy, not like stars?
@annewithane @gilbert No
@cole.oof no your caption is so random
@gilbert @annewithane Yeah you suddenly don't like stars?
@gilbert @cole.oof good ;)
@annewithane @gilbert I don't like them
@gilbert @annewithane Wow you liar

@annewithane I've seen better sunsets
@d.berries remember that bi-flag sunset we saw?
@annewithane God said fuck the homophobes they gays will rise
@d.berries fuck im supposed to be mad at you,, pretend i said nothing

@urmood nice picture Gilbert!
@gilbert Thanks, Moody!

@rubes ilysmasc (i love you so much anne shirley cuthbert)134 likes, 43 comments

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@rubes ilysmasc (i love you so much anne shirley cuthbert)
134 likes, 43 comments

@d.berries I don't after she ditched us for some guy!!!!
@annewithane Firstly, he asked me out 2 days before you, and you asked me out an hour before going out.
@d.berries but fries before guys :(
@rubes that phrase right there is why she "ditched" you
@annewithane hE asKed mE oUT bEfORe YOu tOld ME wE wEre SeeIng a mOvie
@d.berries ill forgive you once you tell me who it was
@rubes shit you screwed Anne--
@annewithane Um his name is John, a really great guy, I had a great time.
@gilbert Wow John sounds like a good guy.
@annewithane Please remove your jealousy out of Ruby's comment section- and yes he a very kind, cheesy, polite guy.
@rubes im wheezing
@annewithane I know you are, you're literally right beside me--

@d.berries ilyhsfm (I love your hair so fucking much)
@rubes thanks bb <3

@gilbert so many dead flowers

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