drink this

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Anne woke up to the sound of Marilla yelling her name from downstairs and the blinding sun poking through Yeah her blinds that she'd forgot to close the night before.

  She rose out of bed a little faster and sat on the ground by her closet, too sleepy to go through the clothing items one at a time.  She just sat and looked up at it trying to make an outfit in her head. Eventually,  she mentally picked an outfit and put it on- a light blush colored flowing shirt with some simple blue jeans. She quickly put her hair in a high ponytail, which was still one of her daily hairstyles for school.

  After finishing getting ready, the girl trotted down the stairs to help finish breakfast with her family. As she approached her guardians, she hugged them, giving them a short good morning too. Taking a seat next to Matthew reading the newspaper with him over his shoulder.  For Avonlea there was a lot of news to report on this day nothing crazy like if they were to live in a big city but little things like, "Miss Andrews needs help baking cakes this Sunday for church."  Whoever wrote the newspaper needed space to fill, so little things like that would fill the papers daily.

  At the end of each newspaper there was always an article that whoever was writing the paper would write. It would be about various things from, "Why chameleons change colors," to, "How Antarctica is considered a desert." And everyday Anne and Matthew loved to read those articles for fun and discuss them. Today's article was about, "How Mangos are the leading cause of hunger in Asia. " Matthew read it aloud while Anne's head lay on his shoulder, following along in her head.

  After they read the article, Anne helped Marilla bring breakfast to the table, and they ate, enjoying each other's company. Of course, Matthew was teasing Anne with little things like, "Kissing any boys, Anne? Do I need to talk to some guys?" Anne always denied this. She would roll her eyes while laughing.

  She walked  out the door over to her bosom friend's house, and waited outside.  Anne, being herself, got lost in her thoughts, thinking of her, "house of dreams."

  She didn't really mind where it was in the world, as long as there was plenty of scope for the imagination. She dreamed of a home with a hearth-fire in it, cats and dogs, the footsteps of friends, and perhaps a true kindred spirit- a life mate.

  As she walked through her house of dreams, she noticed that there was someone on the couch. It was Gilbert Blythe. He said something that she couldn't quite make out.

"Anne?" Diana looked concerned. That was fine, because Anne herself was very, very, extremely concerned.

"I think Gilbert Blythe just invaded my house of dreams, Diana!" Her initial terror was quickly turning to extreme anger as they started to walk to school.

"Why are you angry, Anne? Isn't Gilbert one of your best friends?"

"Yes, of course he's one of my best friends. But this is different, Diana!"

  They'd reached the bend in the road and saw the boys in the distance. "It doesn't matter either way," Anne muttered. "It was just my unfaithful mind playing tricks with me."

  Diana smirked and ran to greet the boys.

"Hello Cole, how are you this good morning?" Anne forced cheerfully. She did not acknowledge Gilbert presence.

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