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The new few days the walks seem longer due to the silence of not wanting to talk about the event that happened days before. It was like when the four just started walking with each other, awkward and long. They say time flies when you're having fun, and its 100% true. Those walks the four endured all those months were not fun and therefore 10x longer. The first day Diana, Anne, Cole, and Gilbert walked together was a moment in history. That was the first time Gilbert and Anne were near each other for more than 2 minutes, that wasn't in a classroom setting.

"Good Morning Di, Anne..." Gilbert said quietly, not knowing if he should even address she was here.

"Morning Gilbert,-" Diana started.

"Good Morning Cole, let's go," Anne said before turning her head quickly towards the path, her two long braids hitting her back harshly. Gilbert just chuckled, he could never understand why he made her so mad but he decided a long time ago he shouldn't waste any more time being confused.

"This should be fun," Diana said to the boys before catching up with the speed demon Anne, who was very much ahead of her. The two boys followed and that was the first day the line across the sidewalk was established and wouldn't be changed for what seemed like forever. Diana on the far right, Anne next to her, Cole then Gilbert at the other end. Usually, only 3 people could fit on a sidewalk but because of Anne and Di walking with their arms intertwined, and Cole walking close to Anne. Occasionally adding to the Di and Anne chain. The four could just manage to be on the sidewalk together. Of course, this wasn't the best thing at times. During the winter if the sidewalk was too slippery from a thin layer of ice Gilbert would fall off the sidewalk on to the snow-covered "grass." That first morning they walked together is was a crisp Spring Morning the, the flowers were just starting to bloom, wildflowers covered the sides of the sidewalk. Forcing Gilbert to make sure he didn't accidentally step on one. Diana and Cole were talking about the days plan and already making plans for the weekend to go bowling. Anne nor Gilbert didn't interject, they heard the happiness in their friend's voice. Anne decided that day that she would suffer every morning and lunch and after school with Gilbert Blythe because of Cole and Diana. She would do it for them. Every day since then she has kept her word.

That walk has changed a lot of things, it changed Anne's perspective on Gilbert Blythe, her feelings towards him. Which she still didn't know was for the best or made this situation worst. On their walk, this day, all 4 of them alike thought back to that first walk, because it really did remind them of that monumental (tragically Anne would think) day. Unlike that first day, Anne was trying to say something to Gilbert. She knew today would be miserable if the two were not on speaking terms. She didn't know what to say, she didn't want to say anything because that would make feel Gilbert like he "won". That he could just be rude and... jealous? Of people and get away with it. But Gilbert alike did want to say something to Anne, to not have her still be mad at him anymore. He was scared, and he of all people knew how quickly and unreliable Anne's moods were. They both knew someone needed to be the bigger person but didn't know who should be. So instead of making up on their walk they just debated on who should. When the four arrived at the school they looked up at the 2 story building not wanting to enter. But they did like any other day and walked to their first period. There was nobody there they were early. The hallways were empty.

"Hey, um Gilbert can I talk to you for a second?" Anne said almost in a whisper. Cole and Diana shot her a look, confused.

"Sure," He replied. Anne started to walk away from Cole and Diana towards her locker- she needed to grab something anyways. Gilbert following closely behind. Cole and Diana watching from a distance in shock until they turned the corner and were out of sight. When the two got to Anne's locker she started to mess with the lock.

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