fairly annoying

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@gilbert we only stan anne's rambles in this house 🤧Tagged- @annewithane 267 likes, 13 comments

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@gilbert we only stan anne's rambles in this house 🤧
Tagged- @annewithane
267 likes, 13 comments

@annewithane 🧐 thanks???

@cole.oof this caption makes no sense but I'm still screaming

@urmood big oof


@annewithane a fucking 40 minute walk to my favorite location with a cutie- fun times

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@annewithane a fucking 40 minute walk to my favorite location with a cutie- fun times.💞
148 likes, 30 comments



@urmood tHat hEart- but either way I love my parentsssss
@annewithane @urmood iTs jUst a hEart?!?!1!3!221

@gilbert I had fun too, carrots.
@annewithane @gilbert ugh,, you should be lucky your still in the bathroom cause otherwise I would slap you rn.

@tillie.pille my weave: gone. my depression: cured. my soul: happy. me: dead.

@rubes aRe yAll dAting!1!1!1!1
@annewithane @rubes hahahahaahahhhahahaha no- just besties.
@gilbert @annewithane @rubes DID YOU GUYS HERE THIS IM A BESTIE IM SCREAMING
@annewithane @gilbert stfu also plz stop screaming I can hear you and it's fairly annoying.

An: I have had these photos in my back pocket for such a long time it's so nice to finally use them, I swear it took me years to come across these. ANYWHO rip hw sessions you will be missed. Let's chit chat for a second. So I really didn't want Anne to be a brat that gets mad at Gilbert for everything and they break up every two seconds that can be annoying to read to the point where your like ANNE CAN YOU STFU FOR 2 SECONDS HE DID NOTHING WRONG. Also Anne isn't immature in the books and Anne & Gilbert are friends by the end of the first book so idk where this whole Anne being a brat comes from. 2nd to me it's really makes sense that once Anne & Gilbert are alone their relationship progressed cause Anne doesn't have her people to bounce off she legit HAS to talk to Gilbert so that's why these past weeks we kinda progressed- BUT HAHA you thought I'd make them date already? No we're a slow burn family. Now that Diana and Cole come into the picture their relationship will just stop here it won't go further and it won't go back- makes the most logical sense to me. Also sorry the last chapter was so sad I love digging into their trauma and figuring out what reasons they do things. Also I don't worry I haven't forgot that Di and Cole exist ;))) also I'm like around Halloween time rn writing wise if your wondering so like Oof Ok bye—
-v 💗

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