you think im hot

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Monday morning Anne woke up slowly, dreading the day ahead of her. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling from her bed, she managed to quite literally roll out of bed, falling to the ground with a thump and a small yelp. She laid on the cold wooden floor for a second, debating if she could just stay here. Sooner or later she did get up, walking to her bathroom where she showered and got ready putting her hair into her normal two french braids. At her closet, she grabbed a hoodie that was 4 sizes too large and kept the sweatpants she had on the night before. With a quick look in the mirror, she looked exactly how she felt- a mess.

    Anne waited by the gate of Diana's house, her foot tapping against the gravel. Diana walked out of the door and down the path towards Anne, Diana showed no emotion. Like Anne wasn't even there. Opening and closing the gate, Diana walked on the path. Anne sped walk catching up to Diana where the only sound was their shoes on the pavement and the wind.

    "I'm mad at you," Diana said coldly, speaking the truth, "but I have to ask..." Diana finally said her eyes still forward at the path ahead of them, Anne whipped her head towards Diana, shocked, "Do you just not like Gilbert anymore?" Diana commented obviously pissed off, "Last week you liked him and this week your on a date with another guy." Diana questioned as she played with the ends of her backpack straps, really not wanting to have this conversation. Anne looked at the ground ahead of her debating on how she wanted to answer the question.

    "It would ruin our friend group," Anne quietly said,  "especially if we break up or something," Anne replied, scared, timidly. 

    "But hating him for 5 years doesn't ruin the friend group?" Diana replied harshly. She had a point, Anne thought, "I mean is it really fair to Gilbert!? That poor boy has been hopelessly, fucking hopelessly, in love with you for years and the second you finally come to your damn senses you go on some date with some random guy!" Diana yelled, still not even looking at Anne, but Anne was and she had never seen Diana this mad, "And to make matters worse... You won't even tell us who! How am I supposed to hate a guy when I don't know even one thing about him!" Diana said yelling.

    "You're right-" Anne whispered. Anne wanted to tell Diana everything as she did with Ruby 2 nights before. She wanted to tell Diana about how cheesy Gilbert is and how cute he is, how he was the first person to make her feel like she didn't know what to say next, that she was always giddy around him, how happy he made her.

How for the first time she wasn't scared that he didn't feel the same way, she knew he felt the same way. She didn't question every move he made trying to make sure it was genuine- she knew it was. Anne knew she sounded crazy, how she could know this from one date. But it wasn't just that past weekend. She did go back and look at how he acted, why he didn't want to talk to her after getting a boyfriend freshman year, why even after years he still was nice.  She wanted to tell her best friend all of this but of course, she had to think- I don't want her to get all happy after getting everything she had been wanting for us two, just for me to fuck it up all over again. A tear was on the ridge of her eyes ready to make its downfall.

It was supposed to be easier now.

    "Anne I love you and you know that- but I can't sit here and pretend that this is morally okay. Honestly, so what if it doesn't work out with you and Gilbert... Which I know it will. Then we deal with it then but fuckk Anne!" Diana said her voice still raised. Anne stayed silent, and Diana didn't continue her rampage the two continued down the path, meeting up with the man of the hour and Cole. Diana and Cole talked the whole way to school, Gilbert trying to talk to Anne but she only replied with quick and not thought out remarks. They walked through the halls of the school and stopping outside of Miss. Stacey's classroom.

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