were avoiding people now

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AN// HI HELLO!! I'm alive, ikr shocker. Sorry i've kinda hated writing this chapter idk why because the idea is cute?? But I don't think I was doing it well and I was tired of not posting.. but it's okay cause guess what only like 7/8 more chapters!!!

I am writing other aus more on twitter,,, @ avonleasflowers if you want to read those anywho

Anne looked in the mirror one last time, making sure her eyeliner was even. She was still in her pjs but on the edge of the counter laid her outfit. Her coat hung on the door behind her, being a constant reminder that she actually had to get ready today. Outside of the bathroom Gilbert was standing leaning against the doorframe. Ready to go completely.

    "Anne, everyone is wondering if your ready yet so they can decide to leave or not!'' Gilbert said outside of the door, knocking very softly. Anne didn't reply she just opened the door slightly. Gilbert pushed it open a little bit more, peering inside. "Anne you're still not dressed!?" Gilbert commented making eye contact with her through the mirror.

    "I'm close!" Anne rebutted, looking down at her pajama choice, a monkey onesie. Gilbert opened the door and went into the bathroom, closing the door only slightly.

"They are waiting for you..." Gilbert commented. Anne looked over at him, he had changed from his matching PJ attire and now was wearing jeans, a sweater and had his coat in hand. Ready to leave, as soon as he put his shoes on. Anne went back into the mirror, close enough for Gilbert to start playing with the end of her loose hair with his fingers. She parted her hair in the center grabbing one half she started to braid the side that Gilbert was not playing with. "You know you could just leave your hair down?" Gilbert suggested. Anne let out a laugh, not even stopping her braiding. Anne looked at Gilbert through the mirror,

"Oh, you were serious..." Anne said looking at Gilbert as she grabbed the hair out of his hand to start that side.

"Yeah, you know I love your hair," Gilbert softly said watching Anne braid her hair.

"I know, but maybe another day. Today we're going to be skating and it will get in the way," Anne said with a gentle smile. She tied the end of her braid with a black hair tie. "Okay now get out," Anne said pushing Gilbert gentle out the door.

"Omg, she's finally almost ready!" Gilbert said back. The door shut behind him, and he went back to his room. Sitting on the edge of the bed he answered his friends on Anne's current status.

A couple of minutes later Anne walked into the room, now wearing a green turtleneck and black pants. Wearing mascara, and some accents of jewelry. Anne sat next to Gilbert looking at what he was doing on his phone. Quickly losing interest she put her head in his lap, looking up at him past his phone.

"Ready?" Gilbert asked, looking down at her.

"Yeah," She said.


Anne and Gilbert arrived at the ice skating rink. Which was just Barry's pond frozen other and some of the Avonlea residents setting up food, drinks and providing skates. Making a very small profit. Tables and chairs scattered around the area, sinking into the layers of snow. Adults watching over kids putting on their skates, a few adults even participating. But most had alcohol in hand and were half watching their children as they talked to their friends.

Spotting Cole, Ruby, and Diana. Anne ran over them, hugging all three of them. Even though they had seen each other the day before. Soon enough the five of them were all lacing up skates. Other friends who happened to be there joining them like Moody, Charlie, Josie, Jane, and Tillie. Eventually, one by one everyone got on the ice. Diana quickly holding hands with Ruby and Josie. Jane and Tille holding hands behind skating slowly due to the people in front of them. Anne, Gilbert, Cole, and Moody all making circles around them, going ahead and then waiting for them to catch up. The girls making comments about how cocky they were being, jealous. A couple of laps around the rink, Anne and Gilbert held hands and separating from the group.

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