...i'll tell you

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Monday of the next week rolled around. Nobody mentioning last weeks events. Anne told Diana what had happened-well not everything...leaving out the parts of how close they were, how she thought how cute Gilbert that morning while he slept, how short his shirt really was on her. Diana knows Anne read a book to him and slept in the same bed...on opposite sides and nothing more happened. Diana teased saying,

"What if you woke up in his arms, that shit would be cute. Which Anne just gave a quick mhm replied to.

Both Monday and Tuesday Gilbert was even more happy than usual, a spring in his step anytime he saw Anne. Even though what had happened was small it still made him elated, bursting with joy.

After school Tuesday, the four decided on walking to Green Gables to work on homework and watch a movie. Instead of separating at the corner they continued on and went down the long path leading to the porch. As the four got closer Anne noticed a male figure sitting in one of the rocking chairs on their porch, alongside Marilla and Matthew. She didn't say anything to her friends on who that might be. They got closer and closer and she started to recognize who it was.

"It can't be..." She said to her friends and herself. Everyone looked at Anne and then followed her eyes to the porch.

"Who is that," Cole asked. Anne didn't reply, It can't be him... well, maybe it has been 6 years he would look older. Feet away the boy stood up out of the chair standing on the steps leading to the porch.

"Jerry?" Anne said standing a distance away from her, she had stopped walking. Her friends standing behind her, not understanding who this person was.

"Anne " Jerry replied softly. At once Anne ran over to him wrapping her arms around him. Jerry immediately hugging her back and slightly picking her up, swinging her around. After many seconds they let go. Anne's hands still on his shoulders, her studying how much he has changed since the last time she had seen him.

"Its been years Jer!" She said to him.

"Too many years." He replied. Anne smiled before letting go looking back at her friends, who were just awkwardly watching the whole exchange.

"Guys this is Jerry, we used to go to school together before I came here. Jerry this is Cole" She said pointing to him, "Diana and Gilbert." Anne continued. Jerry walked over, reaching his hand out to shake their hands.

"Nice to meet you guys." He said shaking Cole's hand.

"Nice to meet you too!" Cole replied excitedly.

"I've heard so much about you, nice to finally put a proper face to all the stories," Diana replied. Anne and Jerry just laughed.

"I actually got to go, I just remembered my dad needed help tonight," Gilbert said shaking Jerry's hand. Anne's face got slightly disappointed and Cole and Diana just rolled their eyes knowing that wasn't true. Gilbert bid his goodbyes to them and started to walk back to his house as everyone else went back into Green Gables buzzing from Jerry's arrival.

Inside Anne's room, the four of them were sitting around the room, Cole, and Diana listening to all the things Anne and Jerry used to do when they were 10.

"It's weird hearing you talk like this!" Jerry started, Diana and Cole looked slightly confused. Jerry looked at them and quickly studied their face. "She used to speak in just pure rambles, I swear." Cole and Diana still looked confused, Anne looking the other way. "Half the time you didn't know what she was saying, it was always mesmerizing. Her mind can go so many places in one minute," He said, Anne laughed still looking the other way. Jerry continued "It was all those books, raised on them. She started talking like them, but now it's normal?"

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