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Ruby walked up to her fellow friends Jane, Josie, and Tillie who were talking amongst themselves at their lunch table. She took a seat next to Josie, her body slightly shifted to the front doors of the cafeteria. The four talked as Ruby's eyes drifted between her lunch and to the doors, Josie watched folloingwing where Ruby was looking, signing, she hesitated for a moment before speaking.
"Are you ever gonna tell her?" Josie asked, Ruby snapped out of her thoughts, quickly turning toward her friend.
"I will." Ruby replied rather defensively, her voice rising several octaves. She turned her body towards the doors again. Where one of the doors swung open and in came Diana holding another bouquet of flowers in her arms. Ruby watched Diana as she walked over to her friends and sat next to Anne, where she once again put the flowers in between her and Anne. She watched as Cole said something to her and her reply saying something along the lines of 'I don't know'. Anne looked up from her table and met eyes with Ruby. Anne giving Ruby a look of 'Tell her". Ruby's shoulders dropped slightly as she turned back to her friends who all were silent. "What" Ruby asked, confused.
"Dude...You've been doing this for like two months." Tillie stated.
"Literally yesterday Anne told me that Diana said that their family has like... ran out of vases for all the flowers." Jane added, slightly shaking her head. "What's the worst that can happen, she says, "Im sorry Ruby I don't like you like, like that-" Jane said mimicking Diana's voice.
"Yeah then anytime we all hang out it's all awkward." Ruby shly said to her friends.
"Oh my god that was the same argument Anne had for years... Look at her now kissing Gilbert Blythe in the hallways--" Josie know it all attitude. said, rolling her eyes as she spoke
"Wait Anne and Gilbert were kissing in the hallway?" Ruby sat up in her seat, sharply replying. Everyone faces looked at Ruby, confused, at the change in demeanor.
"Um... I'm not sure- but that's the rumor right now..."Josie slowly said, Ruby swung her legs hastily around her seat, getting up, speed walking up to Anne's table where she grabbed Anne's arm pulling her out of her seat. They walked into the bathroom, Anne standing in the middle of the bathroom rubbing her arm slightly from where she was grabbed. Ruby checked all the stalls before going right in front of Anne.
"There is a rumor-" Ruby started to clearly say, Anne's face dropping immediately, "That you and Gilbert were kissing in the hallway." Ruby finished, her eyes wide. "So either you tell Diana or the whole school does."
"Shit...Shit- Oh my god." Annereplied distressed from the information, she walked over to the sink where she bent over putting her head in her hands. "What- How."
"I don't know but Josie just mentioned it.... And I wanted to tell you before hel- breaks loose." Ruby replied awkwardly, her arms crossed across her body, her foot tapping against the tile. Anne turned around slightly smiling.
"Thanks-" Anne softly said, reassuring Ruby that she is grateful for her,  "I guess we both have things to tell Diana." Anne continued slightly laughing at their predicaments.
"Not it," Ruby quickly said putting her finger on her nose. Anne rolled her eyes
"...Not it- Fine but you have to tell her sooner or later," Anne said sternly, trying to get Ruby to realize how much she actually needed to do it, Ruby didn't reply, "Okay that's it?" Anne asked.
"Yeah... I guess so."
"Okay bye, they are probably confused on why I'm gone-" Anne said walking towards the bathroom doors, one hand ready to push it open it.
"Bye" Ruby replied. Anne swung the door open walking back to her table, her friends immediately questioning where she was and her just making up some bs excuse. Meanwhile Ruby stayed in the bathroom. She leaned against one of the bathroom walls, her arms still crossed across her. She stood thinking about what she needed to do and how she was going to do it. Deep down she knew her friends were right she couldn't just keep doing this, but on top of all that was the bubbling anxiety of everything going wrong.
After a few minutes she walked out, walking back to her friends table. She sat down silent, she didn't look up at her friends as she picked at her lunch for the rest of the period and everyone else didn't say anything. Seeing how nervous Ruby was. Once the bell rang they picked up their belongings, throwing away any trash they had, and walking out of the cafeteria in a line. Josie locked arms with Ruby, leaning over closer to her.
"Everything is going to be okay. " Josie whispered. Ruby looked up at Josie, a small smile on her face, Josie gave her a reassuring smile before walking into her next class.
Gilbert and Anne awkwardly separated from their friends walking to their next class. Anne explaining to Gibert everything Ruby actually said in the bathroom. They walked into their class taking their normal seats next to each other.
"So what are we gonna do?" Gilbert asked as he grabbed his stuff out of his backpack and faced Anne. Anne did the same thing, setting her notebook on the desk in front of her.
"We have to tell them." Anne softly said looking down at the notebook in front of her☆ .
Once the bell rung signalling that everyone was free for the day, most kids quickly packed up their stuff and rushed out the doors. Anne though carefully put her books in her backpack. Diana stood besides her own desk which was of course next to Anne's looking around the room, impatiently waiting for her. Once Anne finished, swinging her backpack around her shoulder, Diana started to walk off trying to still be mad at Anne (and slightly failing) Anne trailed behind. They walked out to the front of the school to where Cole and Gilbert stood talking to each other. Diana stood beside Cole-saying hello to the both of them. Anne caught up to Diana, and stood next to Gilbert, saying hello to only Cole. Which caused Diana to roll her eyes and Gilbert to slightly chuckle to himself. The four started to walk down their normal route and instead of separating at one point they all turned the corner, heading towards Gilbert's house.
Gilbert unlocked the door, opening it and letting his friends slide through. Gilbert, Cole and Diana all went upstairs to Gilbert's room and Anne casually waltzed into the kitchen sitting across from Mr Blythe who was sitting at the kitchen table reading a book. Diana and Cole watched her with confused looks on their faces. In Gilbert's room, he sat on his bed his back leaning against the headboard, Cole sat at Gilbert's desk and Diana sat on the floor besides the desk. The three of them all pulled out their homework and started working on it, light chatter filling up the room. A few minutes later Anne walked into the room sitting at the foot of the bed. She leaned over handing Gilbert a cup of tea.
"Thanks-" Gilbert politely said taking the tea from Anne's hands, sipping from the tea before setting it on the nightstand beside him.
"Wait- I want tea-" Cole said to Anne, jealous of Gilbert.
"Me too..." Diana quietly added looking up at Gilbert.
"What do you want?" Anne asked the two of them, who turned their heads to Anne confused on why she was the one to be asking.
"She just wants an excuse to go talk to my dad..." Gilbert commented trying to resolve his friends confusion.
"Oh." Both Cole and Diana said in unison. They told Anne what they wanted and Anne hopped off the bed and walking out of the room and downstairs. Where she once again took a seat across from Mr Blythe who was still reading his book, as he sipped his now freshly made tea.
"Can I make some more?" Anne timidly asked, Mr Blythe looked up from his book with his usual kind smile.
"Of course... You know you don't need to ask." Mr Blythe commented, looking back down at his book. Anne stood up filling up the kettle with water and set it to boil. She grabbed some mugs from the cabinet and sat them next to the kettle, waiting for the water to boil. Anne leaned against the counter, waiting. "So, how are you and Gilbert?" Mr Blythe asked, his eyes still glued to the book in front of him.
"Good- really good actually... Besides the whole knowing when to tell Diana and Cole." Anne replied, smiling slightly. Mr blythe looked up from his book for a second smiling.
"That's good- You know you should tell them. The longer you wait the worse it gets... but I understand why you don't want to" Mr Blythe reasoned.
"Yeah I knoww... It's just my current moral quandary. The usual." Anne said laughing as she poured the boiling water in the two mugs.
"Being scared is okay, I hope you know that." Mr Blythe said concern hidden in his face, "How is that going by the way?" Mr Blythe asked. Anne sighed, walking over to the fridge, knowing exactly what he meant.
"How so?" Mr Blythe asked, Anne turned around mid-pour.
"I know Gil...bert won't be like all of them. I know that." Anne started she stared down at the ground in front of her. "But just every other part of my brain just keeps telling me he is... but I again I know he isn't. It doesn't make sense." Anne looked up at Mr Blythe, "It's difficult when every other part of you is going against you." Anne said getting the words to express how she was doing. She turned around continuing with the teas.
"What does he know?" Mr Blythe asked, closing and putting down his book on the table.
"Barely anything compared to you" Anne said slightly laughing, "But I guess enough for him to know that I'm going to be scared and such..." Anne continued putting the milk back in the fridge.
"You should tell him." Mr Blythe reasoned. Anne sat down across from him again.
"I know... but again- whole mind is against me stuff."
"You have all the time in the world so I guess... There is no rush." Mr Blythe stated. "You should probably bring those teas up to your friends" Mr Blythe reminded Anne, who got out of her seat grabbing the two teas. She bidded Mr Blythe a thanks and goodbye before heading slowly up the stairs, and into Gilbert's room. She walked over to Cole and Diana handing them their teas and sat down again at the foot of Gilbert's bed, grabbing her homework and starting it.
Hours went by, the sun slowly started to set behind them. Everyone worked on their homework occasionally helping each other on specific problems they had. Mostly just math problems. The room was silent when Diana started to properly talk to "Annette" again.
"Anne, guess what I heard today." Diana remarked, Anne quickly looked up from her homework, looking up at Diana.
"Diana don't-" Cole said slightly pleading for her to stop.
"What?" Anne asked, ignoring Cole's comment.
"That there was a rumor," Diana started, immediately both Anne's and Gilbert's faces dropped. "That you," Diana said pointing to Anne, "and you." Diana continued pointing to Gilbert now. "We're found kissing in the hallway this past Monday. Weird right?" Diana finished, her eyebrows raised, waiting to see what excuses they were going to pull out of their asses.
"What about it?" Anne asked.
"Is it true?" Diana asked. Both Cole and Gilbert looked shocked, on edge on what was going to happen next. Anne looked over at Gilbert for a second, before looking over at Diana, smiling.
"Yeah it's true." Anne replied. Diana's eyes went wide.
"Okay very funny, Anne."
"What it's true."
"Okay, don't believe me then," Anne said getting up from the bed and grabbing the empty mugs around the room, and walking out the room giving Gilbert a small smile before leaving. Cole got up and quickly followed behind her grabbing two of the mugs from her hands.
"So, is it actually true?" Cole asked as they carefully went down the stairs.
"Yeah... I was kinda dumb enough to kiss him in the middle of the hallway." Anne said laughing.
"I'm happy for you." Cole said with a soft smile, Anne turned around, a smile on her face too.
"It was about time." Cole said setting down the two mugs on the counter. Anne rolled her eyes. "Diana believes you... she just wants you to like, tell her tell her."
"Why do I have to make it some sort of like special announcement, why can't I just have a boyfriend and it be a casual thing." Anne said leaning against the kitchen counter, Cole's smile got a little wider listening to Anne.
"Dude, Diana has seen this whole relationship from day one... out of like five years. It's not a casual thing anymore." Cole replied, Anne rolled her eyes again at his comment.
"Ugh you're right. I hate it."
"Don't worry it won't happen again." Cole said laughing. The two went back upstairs, Anne sitting next to Gilbert and Cole laying in Anne's lap, slowing falling asleep. Anne played with Coles hair which only him fall asleep faster. A few minutes later Diana got up standing next to the bed.
"Is there a reason why you didn't tell me?" Diana asked awkwardly playing with her hands, trying to hold back. Anne recognized this and stood up standing beside her Cole falling towards the bed., Cole falling against the bed. SAnne held up her hand reaching to grab Diana's arm, but Diana rejected her hand and hastily grabbed hers instead. Dragging her out of the room slightly slamming the door behind them, "Is there a reason?"
"Yes." Anne quietly said.
"Any other reason besides, 'What if it didn't work out and we broke up, making the friend group awkward,'" Diana sharply looked up, making eye contact with Anne, tears on the brink of her eyes. "Because that's that total bullshit, you know- well should have known. Whatever would happen I would have been by your side." Diana dropped the eye contact looking just past Anne, "It sucks when your own best friend... has to sneak around you, like she is suddenly someone who can't even know who she is going on a fucking date with!" Diana borderline yelled, a few tears falling from her eyes, which in turn made Anne also cry.
"I'm sorry-" Anne whispered, not knowing what to say. Diana looked back at Anne once more for a second-
"I have to go home. Bye." She quickly stated going back into Gilbert's room. Anne stayed still in her tracks for what felt like minutes before quickly running down the stairs and out the front door and towards the end of the road where the pavement met the woods.
A few minutes later after grabbing her stuff ignoring both Cole and Gilbert. Diana walked out of the room everything sloppily shoved into her bag. She walked out of the house and sped walk home. Tears flowing and her hand wiping them furiously. When she got home. She struggled to unlock the door through her blurry vision. They key never being able to slip right in. Once she managed to open the door she ran upstairs crashing onto the bed. The bed slightly moving closer to the wall from the force. There Diana fell asleep, her mom came in very late into the night, taking off the backpack that was still on her back and gently setting it on the floor beside her bed. She managed to put Diana's head on her pillow and draped a blanket over her. Mrs Barry sat on the edge of the bed for a second and combed back a few strands of hair, she watched the hair unstick itself from the dried tears on her cheek. She bent down gently kissing Diana's forehead before walking back to her own room and falling back to sleep.
Hey, can we talk tomorrow?
Diana? Are you okay?
I have to go to bed, but please text me in the morning.
Meanwhile Anne sat on one of the logs in her safe place, her head leaning against the wall beside her. Anne silently sobbed, the only other sound being the wind outside. The cries stopped as she heard quick footsteps being taken being taken in the distance, which were only getting closer and closer. Anne looked up at the 'door' ready for a bear or deer to come waltzing in, but instead of an animal coming in, a panicked Gilbert hesistanting walked in. Gilbert's face dropping as he saw the condition Anne was in. He rushed over to her sitting on the same log, draping her legs over his lap, pulling her closer to him. Anne rested her head on Gilberts. He wrapped his arms around her one hand holding the back of Anne's head. For a few minutes, Gilbert let Anne quietly cry into his chest. His shirt slowing getting more damp.
"Remember when I said I didn't tell Diana about this place because I need one place to myself, just in case I fucked everything up?" Anne quietly said, her voice shaky. Gilbert squeezed her a little bit more knowing what she was implying
"You didn't ruin anything." Gilbert softly said, trying to sooth Anne.
"How do-"
"She's mad but that doesn't mean she suddenly hates you. No friendship is perfect, your going to fight and be mad... and if anything it only makes you stronger. Okay?" Gilbert softly said into her hair, one hand running against Anne's braids.
"Okay." Anne mouthed, barely any sound actually coming from her mouth.

"Josh walked up to me, every step pushing me farther away from the girl I'd been at the beginning of the summer and closer to this present, unknown Skylar." Gilbert softly read to Anne. He laid on Anne's stomach both hands holding the book, over his head.

Gilbert earlier in the night picked her up off his lap, putting her on his back. Together he walked Anne home, Matthew opening the door half-asleep. Gilbert walked upstairs with Anne, and laid her on her bed. Anne half-asleep the whole time, tired. Anne sat up, her eyes barely opened and grabbed the end of Gilbert's shirt pulling him closer to her, forcing him to sit on the edge of the bed. She leaned in, sleepily kissing him on the lips. A small smile forming on her lips. She leaned away a smile still on her face, her arms draped around his shoulders. Gilbert held a similar smile.
"Please don't go," Anne whispered, her smile dropping slightly.
"I might have to," Gilbert replied, a frown on his face. He leaned in closing the gap between them once more, before getting up against Anne's protests. "I'll be right back." He said in the doorway before going downstairs to find Mattew sitting in the living room right besides their fireplace. He hesitantly sat on the couch besides Matthew. "It's really late." Gilbert said hesitantly. Matthew looked over at Gilbert, hesitant to speak.
"Yeah, It is." Matthew scanned his face for a second. "Guest room."
"Of course, I would never expect you to allow me to sleep with her-" Gilbert eyes went eyes, slighting coughing as he thought about what he had just said, Matthew slightly chuckled, "Not like that... I'm not ready for... and I don't think- yeah. I'm just gonna stop speaking now."
"Guest room is open when your ready to get to bed, and yeah please don't sleep with my daughter. Door open please." Matthew teased.
"Of course-" Gilbert said quickly getting up and heading out the door. "Thank you, Goodnight Mr. Cuthbert."
"Goodnight." Matthew said before turning his head towards the fireplace once again. Gilbert stepped out of the living room, pausing for a moment, shaking his head, embarrassed. He walked up the stairs quietly walking up to Anne's room, opening the door without thinking. Anne stood in the middle of the room, pulling a pajama shirt over her head. Gilbert quickly slammed the door in front of him, once again embarrassed. His cheeks growing more red, his hand still on the knob. He knocked on the door and heard footsteps coming towards the door where Anne opened the door. Her face almost just as red, she slightly shook her head. Her hair was sprawled out. She had changed into a pair of short pajama shorts and Gilbert's t-shirt that he had let her 'borrow' the week prior. Gilbert looked Anne up and down, smiling at her shirt. He took a step closer wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her on the top of the head.
"Thank you." Anne quietly said, looking up at him.
"For what?" Gilbert asked, looking back down at her.
"For... coming to find me, and talking me down." Anne explained, Gilbert didn't reply he just squeezed her slightly, and leaned down and kissed the top of her head once again.
"Of course." He said into her hair. Anne came out of his grasp and went into her bed.
"I'm guessing he said guest room?" Anne asked, taking a seat on one side of the bed.
"You know it." Gilbert said, now standing beside her bed, his knees pressing into the side of the mattress.
"Can you stay until one of us knocks out?" Anne pleaded, wanting him by her side because she knew it was the only thing keeping her sane.
"Sure," Gilbert replied taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He looked over at her nightstand, laying there was the book they had started. "Reading ahead are you?" Gilbert asked leaning over grabbing the book. He opened to the page she had marked. "Wow really reading ahead-" Anne sat behind him biting back a laugh, draping a blanket over herself, lying completely in bed.
"...There were these really intimate parts and I wanted to read them by myself so I knew what was going to happen." Anne explained. "We can go from where you are." Anne suggested. Gilbert leaned back his head laying on her stomach his legs draped over the edge of the bed. He kept on the page where she was, he read the first few lines of the next page.
"Holy shit you were not kidding-" Gilbert said he bent back his head looking at Anne in shock.
"Yeah..." Anne awkwardly said laughing. She took her hands and started to play with Gilbert's hair.
    "... closer to the this present, unknown Skylar." Gilbert started to read. He continued to read occasionally checking up on Anne to see if she was awake or not. "I opened my eyes. Damn. Did you fall asleep at all?" Yeah, but you were out first" He brushed my lips with his... I'm gonna let you sleep, okay? I'll see you tomorrow" I tightened my hold on him "You can sleep here...If you want." Gilbert stopped reading for a second and looked back at Anne who was barely awake. Gilbert looked back down at the book reading the next page and a half And this is where we stop, Gilbert thought to himself, his eyes going wide from the progression that was about to happen in the book. He sat up which made Anne wake up a little bit. "I'm going to let you sleep." Gilbert said taking one hand and moving the hair out of her face. Anne was too tired to protest, exhausted from the days events. "Goodnight." Gilbert said getting up off the bed.
"Goodnight" Anne whispered just managing to say that. Gilbert walked out of the room, turning off the lights as he walked out and walked himself to the guest room where he fell asleep for the night- borderline morning. 

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