lovesick jealous boy brain

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Hello! I know everyone skips author's notes but I kinda want to just say sorry for not posting for like 6 months??  It's not like I haven't been writing, its been more of my own original stuff. I originally wrote this chapter you're about to read 7months ago I believe \Anywho! If you don't follow me you wouldn't have to saw my little message I posted which said google docs deleted my whole fanfic!! Yay for Google. Love you baby. This really doesn't affect much besides I have no outline!! So welcome to my freestyling. Okay anyways enjoy my really poorly edited chapter that I just want to get out!

It was still to be considered night. The world outside was still silent, at ease. It made him feel in control for once, he could do what he wanted and nothing or nobody could change that. Besides him and the moon, there were only a few other people awake; the other early risers and the workers. The boy woke up, a smile arising on to his face realizing that once again he was up before the sun and able to dance with the stars. Rolling out of bed he walked over to his bathroom doing what one does and pulling on his outfit- a forest green sweater, a pair of blue jeans and his black boots. Quietly walking down the stairs. He grabbed a muffin, that one of his sisters have had to made the night before and walked out of the house.  Being able to not wake up any of the many people in the home once again. The walk was the dreadful part of his desired destination.  For him, but it was always worth it in the end. He first passed the Cotton's household, which was a newly wedded couple who had just a little girl named Abigail. Even though he had only talked to the Cotton's in passing he heard a lot about them from his sisters who often babysat for extra spending money.

A few houses down from the Cotton's was the Mackenzies household, who was a large family compared to the other Avonlea residences. The family kept to themselves. Nobody knowing how many exact children the couple had, but everyone knew about their second eldest son, Cole Mackenzie, purely because of his associations with Diana, Anne, and Gilbert who were pretty well known throughout the town. The four always being together.  But the young boy wasn't thinking about any of that while passing, he only focused on the music in his ears, the lines on the sidewalk ahead of him, that were passing quickly from the now speed in his step.

The boy continued down his walk, slowly down his pace eventually before coming to a complete stop. He stood waiting to cross the street like it was a busy day in a big city. Staring at a house a rather lonesome home, whose family count only keeps dwindling.  He stared, thinking to himself, thinking of all the things he had done to the boy in that house, but a gust of wind interrupted his thoughts and he crossed the street continuing down the path. Trying not to look back at the home. Finally, he was in the final stretch, the sound of waves was finally in earshot. He went over the bridge that crossed "Barry's pond" admiring the big brown house that stood nearby. The admiring quickly ended as he came into view of a set of windows with baby blue curtains and once again his pace quicken. As he passed one of the last homes in their neighborhood he could hear rustling coming from their barn. Which caught him off guard, as this was not a normal occurrence.  He thought it had to be Matthew Cuthbert tending to his farm early. The boy walked into the barn but was pleasantly surprised to not see an older man but in fact a petite fiery red-head teenage girl.

"Hey, Anne!" He called out his voice slightly echoing through the large barn. Anne jumped from the unexpected guest, almost dropping the buckets of milk she held in her hands.

" Hello, Andrews. Um,  sorry I really wasn't expecting anyone right now," she said, looking at him then to her feet.  She clearly looked like she had just woken up minutes before.

"I think by the ground being watered by milk I can tell. Well, to be fair I really wasn't expecting you either."

"Did you just want to take a walk into our barn then?" Anne said, now slightly questioning his intentions.

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