time was precious

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Another week, another pacing Gilbert Blythe pacing around the house but this week special guest- outside. It started with climbing the stairs and walking around upstairs a couple time before going downstairs once more, and one of the paces around downstairs he opened the door and started walking around the Blythe farm, weaving through the lines of apple trees that have not been properly taken care of in years and sold for profit. Thursday had rolled around again and the teen was waiting for Anne to arrive, being more nervous then the previous weeks because it was the last week and in a couple of days they would be turning in the big packet of math problems they have been working on this past month. Gilbert really didn't want this day to end, he wished he could just play this day on repeat. To him after today it all will be different again, everything would be over, Anne would go back to being her self and would probably never purposely make plans with just Gilbert again for a long awhile. This morning on his walk to school Cole really reminded Gilbert how much he was going to miss everything.

"So, it's the last Thursday of the month.. you know what that means." Cole brought up walking over to where they met Anne and Diana.

"Yes.. I know you don't have to remind me. Can this month or day just last forever." Gilbert's eyes were straight ahead looking at the pavement before him, and even though he couldn't see it he could feel Coles eyes studying the side of his face.

"You're going to miss it right?" Cole asked still staring at Gilbert. Feeling a little pity for his friend, Cole didn't know exactly what the two talked about or did specifically he could only imagine. But either way he felt bad, knowing the time Gilbert spent with Anne was probably some of the best times.

"Like so bad" Gilbert managed to say, almost in a whisper. Gilbert's eyes still on the pavement before him he didn't dare look back at Cole scared seeing the pity for him in Cole's eyes, Gilbert would just break down completely.

"It's not the same with Diana and I?" Cole asked.


To Gilbert time was precious. Every time he said bye to one of his friends for the day a little bit of fear would come through peaking through the hidden cracks of his damaged heart telling him "What if thats the last time." If anyone knew about unexpected lost it was Gilbert Blythe, one by one through his life family member by family member they passed away, a piece of him chipping away each time. It was just Gilbert and his father now and everyday he was scared that this breakfast, walk before school or goodnight would be the last. Gilbert wasn't scared of death itself or what was on the other side it was the part of loosing people that he cared about, that's why he only had three friends- less friends less lost, less pain. Gilbert would lay awake at night thinking about his mom and sibling what life would be if they were still alive. Gilbert never talks about his true feelings with people he was scared to get to close to someone so much to just loose them one day and have all that gone. So, with Gilbert sharing his feelings with Anne he was laying awake more often then usual scared to loose her not just cause he was hopelessly in love with Anne but he didn't think he could be so close with someone like this again, so he was scared she would leave and how that would affect him. If Gilbert Blyth wasn't already in love with Anne Shirley-Cuthbert he was now and fully realized it.

When the two were at Anne's safe place which is now both of their safe place they got on the topic of their past friendships, Gilbert talking how close he used to be with Charlie and Moody and how Diana was Anne's first real friend that hasn't left her "yet." On the night of Tangled in the beginning of the movie they paused the movie and got on the topic of their parents or lack of. Gilbert talked about his mom and his siblings and what life was like when they were around, at least what he could remember. Anne talked about why the movie was so "sacred" she said she felt like Rapunzel trapped in her tower throughout her childhood, trapped in her own mind with only her imagination and books to keep her company. To Gilbert it made sense on why its was sacred but it only lead the question of why did she tell him, and neither Diana or Cole knew this information.

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