hola mi nombre Es ventana

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"Bye Cole! Bye Diana!" Anne called out to her two friends as they turned the other way to their next class leaving Anne and Gilbert to walk in silence to their next class.

As they entered they took their seats next to each other, placing their bags on the floor, bending over into them grabbing their things almost in unison not saying a word like every other day- sitting next to him was still just the most logical choice to her, it's not like she wanted to sit next to him alone Anne always had to remind herself daily.

"Good afternoon class well hopefully you have been enjoying the review we have been having the past few weeks but now it's time to actually start learning new things" Their teacher spoke to the class while walking to their desk.

As those words came out of their mouth both Anne and Gilbert perked up in their seats at the same time. They have been bored the last two few weeks already knowing all the material from the previous year.

"So... each month starting this month you will have a packet to do. That's your homework for the whole month- you can do it daily, weekly or all 30 pages on the last day however you please, as long as it gets handed to me on October 1st I don't care.  Each month will be different but this month you can do the work with a partner cause it is the first month starting this and I'm being nice... so everyone I guess go pick your partners." They finally finished turning back to the papers their desk.

At once everyone stood up besides Anne and Gilbert they just looked at each other. Anne still didn't know anybody and Gilbert just wanted to work with her over his friends in the class. They both shrugged their shoulders as a way of saying sure, not using one word to mutually agree to work on the packet together.

"So... when do you want to do this thing?"Gilbert asked Anne. She looked up at him thinking for a moment.
"How about we both do it daily then once a week we regroup and review answers just in case we have questions or if something is wrong?" She said 'we have questions' but she knew it would only be her asking questions cause Geometry wasn't her best subject and Gilbert seem to have a knack for it. 
"Sounds good to me... and what day?" He asked.
"Thursday? I would say Friday as an end of the week thing but I think Cole and Diana would get mad" she replied and then laughed.
"Tomorrow is Thursday do you want to still meet up?" Gilbert wanted to make sure he asked as many questions in fear of getting something wrong.
"Sure why not." She said back.

Cole and Gilbert split off from Diana and Anne going to their side of the neighborhood after school which left Anne and Diana to start talking about their day.
"Well I mean nothing really spectacular happened we learned some new words in Spanish that I can actually use in daily conversation unlike the other words- window, board, door, trash can.. like what are we Dora? Like when am I going to bring that stuff in up in casual conversation cause right now the only full sentence I can say in Spanish is- hola mi nombre Es ventana"
(hello my name is window)
Diana ranted to her friend.
"And you?" She asked Anne.
"our math teacher is making us do these monthly packets and this month we have to do with a partner" Anne calmly said not making any sort of eye contact with Diana.
"Oo.. who are you doing your packet with?" Diana of course had to asked, Anne was kinda hoping she wouldn't.
"Gilbert" she said with no tone that would help Diana indicate if she was happy about it or was scared- but inside she was screaming the words "if were being logical that's the best option that's it... if were being logical..." still trying to convince herself that sitting next to him was the best option. Diana stopped walking as once with her mouth wide open from pure shock.
"Um Diana what's wrong?" Anne kinda knew what was wrong but she still wanted to ask for some stupid reason.
"What's wrong? WHATS WRONG??? Anne are you stupid? Actually sometimes I swear you are" Anne slapped Diana on the shoulder from her insult before Diana continued
"You alone with Gilbert who would have thought... and to think I was trying to stop you from actually killing him last New Years... remind me this New Years to not have us watch the fireworks on the roof" Diana finished still in the middle of the sidewalk not continuing to walk.
"I mean if I could I would still seriously think about pushing him off the roof. But I'm older I need to stop being petty and immature so yeah we're doing the packet together... it's the most logical choice. Also wow I didn't think of it I have to see him once a week for the next month alone not being able to have you or Cole to save me... uGh" secretly and deep, deep, deep very deep down Anne was excited she never got to really get to know Gilbert cause she was always rude to him. But today she wasn't going to be admitting that to herself, the whole situation was still "practical and logical" in her mind- of course Diana being Diana could sense the a little bit of excitement in Anne's voice towards the end specially when she said "uGh" knowing how Anne is when she actually did not want to do something.
"WAIT YOU'RE EXCITED" Diana said taking a seat cause her knee buckled from knowing this meet up was every week.
"I AM NOT! DIANA BARRY I SWEAR HAVE FUN WALKING ALONE" Anne laughed and left her friend.. later she would turn around and retrieve her feeling guilty though.
"Gilbert you seem a lot happier today?" Cole asked his friend who seem to have a spring in his step today.
"Hm probably cause I am" he replied.
"And why is that?"
"Oh nothing." Gilbert said to his friend with a foolish grin on his face.


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An: catch their being weird spelling mistakes 👋😫 that I'm to blind to catch- also I hate this chapter but I needed something to say our bbs be working on a homework thingy together ;))))) they gonna fuck

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An: catch their being weird spelling mistakes 👋😫 that I'm to blind to catch- also I hate this chapter but I needed something to say our bbs be working on a homework thingy together ;))))) they gonna fuck... jk I'm not a smut story we're fluffy crackheads here 🤧

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