a tease you are gilbert blythe

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Anne slowly opened her eyes, the light crashing into her room. Glistening the room with a golden tone. She turned over grabbing her phone off her nightstand checking her texts; multiple texts from Cole asking how she was and one text from Ruby asking why Diana wasn't answering any of her texts. Anne ignored Cole's texts not wanting to answer and opened Ruby's, We got into a... fight. I don't know how she is- Anne typed and sent it. She slowly sat up as she scrolled through Instagram, liking the few posts her friends had posted since the last time she was on the app.

Mid-scroll she stopped, hearing people talking downstairs, they were laughing. Anne's eyebrows furrowed as she tried listening to what they were saying. She couldn't make out what they were saying so she pushed through her laziness and got out of bed. She slowly walked downstairs and into the kitchen where she found, Matthew sitting at the table a newspaper opened in front of him, Marilla and Gilbert both in the kitchen. Marilla stood at the stove, watching eggs on the pan in front of her slowly cook, and Gilbert stood beside their toaster, buttering two slices of bread. Anne stood in the doorway for a second, smiling, in pure bliss for a few seconds. Matthew was first to notice Anne, slightly bending his newspaper down to see Anne, his glass laying on the tip of his nose. He took off the glasses setting it on top of the newspaper in front of him.

"Morning, Anne." He spoke, catching the attention of both Marilla and Gilbert. Marilla's eyes going wide she set down her spatula and speed walking over to Anne covering her.

"My goodness, go put some clothes on." She said pushing Anne out of the room and to the stairs.

"What's wrong with my--" Anne defended confused on what the big deal is. Marilla stopped for a second looking down at Anne in shock like she was just told someone died.

"Your-" Marilla whispered her eyes glancing down to her butt, "The shorts are too short Anne, I wouldn't care if it was just Matthew and I but-- Gilbert is here." Marilla continued to whisper but Gilbert and Matthew in the room over could still hear her. Gilbert was trying not to crack up laughing, Matthew was smiling as he shook his head, picking up his newspaper and glasses again. Marilla came back into the room, walking over to the stove, her eggs just about to burn. "I'm sorry about that," Marilla said avoiding eye contact with Gilbert.

"Like the boy actually was troubled by it," Matthew commented, knowing how men Gilbert's age thought.

"Matthew!" Marilla said turning around towards him, giving him an annoyed look.

A few minutes later Anne came back downstairs, now wearing sweatpants and her hair up in a very messy bun. She sat beside Matthew and started to read the newspaper with him. She would read the whole page and reread it and by then Matthew was ready to turn the page. They flipped to the page that was titled "Upcoming Events," usually Anne wouldn't care for this page but with the Christmas season approaching she actually attentively read the events. 12/8 Opening of the ice skating rink Anne read to herself, she continued to read on seeing what else would be happening, and she suddenly knew she wanted to go.

"Gilbert," Anne said her head turning towards where he was in the kitchen, Gilbert turned around, looking at Anne. "What are you doing on December 8th?" Anne asked.

"Um nothing, but I'm assuming I'm about to have plans--" Gilbert said smiling down at the toast he was buttering.

"I'm not forcing you to do anything, but they are opening the ice rink again,"

"Even after that one Pye child almost broke their neck last year?" Marilla intervened, as she grabbed plates and cups out of their cabinet.

"That was a nasty lawsuit-" Matthew added, recalling the events.

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