hiya cutie

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Anne took a seat at their normal lunch table across from Cole who was sitting next to Gilbert.

"Hey Kiddos." she said while taking her lunch out of her bag.

"Hiya Cutie." Cole responded with which made her smile. Everyone in their friend group knew Cole was gay he never ended up 'coming out' but the friends gathered he was gay from his twitter username, how he talked about guys and when he would straight out say "Sometimes I forget i'm gay but then I see peter parker and it all comes back to me" but for some reason Cole calling Anne made Gilbert clench his jaw with a little jealousy knowing if Gilbert was to say that Anne would kick him. Currently Cole was having a phase of calling everybody a cutie.

"So, how was class, Anne?" Cole asked. Anne put her head down on the table slightly banging it, Gilbert and Cole sat there smiling from how dramatic she could be. 

"Just shoot me, please." Anne pleaded with hope in her eyes.

"Sorry we don't shoot cuties in this house." Was the only response from Cole, Anne just rolled her eyes and put her head back on the table.

"And Gilbert how was your day?" Cole said turning to Gilbert.

"I've had better." He said before taking a bite out of the his mango fruit cup.

Finally Diana came over bit she was holding a bouquet of flower- they were her favorite type and color may I add. 

"Hiya Cutie- oh my god Diana who gave you those?" Cole asked which caused Anne to look up and immediately her eyes going wide.

"Oh my god Diana tell us everything!" Anne yelled grabbing Diana by the wrist sitting her on the bench besides her wanting Diana to 'spill the tea.'

"See.. here's the thing I have no idea who gave the flowers they were just there-" Diana said playing with some of the petals smiling to herself.

"Sorry, my small brain doesn't comprehend please elaborate" Anne replied in complete confusion which received a kick from Cole from under the table cause he was always talking about how 'we shouldn't talk bad about ourselves'

"I opened my locker and bam they were staring at me."

"No note?" Gilbert asked.


All the teens had confused looks on their faces not knowing that Jane, Ruby, Tillie and Josie across the lunch room were watching them and giggling to each other.

"How romantic! A anonymous lover from a far how adorable- I wish someone would love me.. Oh! Diana we need to figure who it is so you can go on and get married and make beautiful nieces and nephews for me!" Anne said her comment making Diana and Cole snort knowing someone who had an obvious crush on her.

"What?" Anne said looking up from the flower she was playing with.

"Anne-" Cole spoke getting her attention. "What if I told you someone was in love with you?"

"Who?!" Both Anne and Gilbert exclaimed at the same time. Which made Cole and Diana start laughing.  

"He's one of your best friends." He said, knowing Anne was so oblivious he could just straight out say it was Gilbert and she still wouldn't know who was in love with her. Gilbert now knew who Cole was implying so he kicked Cole under the table trying to get him to shut up. Across the lunch room Ruby and Josie sat trying to get Anne's attention calling her over to their table.

"Oh, I think Ruby wants me for a second- I'll be right back" Anne said getting up from the table.

"Bye Anne." Diana and Cole said like normal people.

"Bye Carrots." Of course Gilbert Blythe called out. Anne of course came back to the table grabbing her stuff before walking away saying-

"I guess I won't  be coming back."

"What do you guys want?" Anne spoke taking a seat with the girls.

"What is Diana saying?!" Josie practically yelled not being able to contain her excitement.

"About what?" Anne replied with a confused expression.

"The flowers you dumbass!" Tillie called out into the various replies.

"Oh! You know who they are from?" Anne asked.

"Yes." Ruby replied with her head towards the table grinning ear to ear to herself.

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