getting addicted to crack is better for you

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"So, what do you all want to watch?" Anne asked her friends.. all 10 of them.


"Stranger Things"

"On my Block"

"13 reasons why"

"Barbie Life of the dream house"

Anne picked up the remote and sat next to Diana and Josie, listening to the requests. All 10 of them sat in the living room of Green Gables watching Anne scroll past shows for them to watch, not deciding what to watch. Five of them sat on the couch- Charlie, Diana, Josie, Cole and Anne. Tillie, Jane, Moody and Ruby sat on the floor by their feet, and Gilbert sitting on a chair next to the couch.

"Lets watch Riverdale.. we can just watch to see what all the buzz is about and can always change if we all hate it." Anne said trying to watch sOmething.

"ugh fine."

"ok sounds good"

were the replies from varies teens, nobody really wanted to watch but they all were curious on what it was about. Little did they know what was going to happen.


"Excuse me I swear if Jason and Cheryl are some sort of twincest im leaving." Moody called out once they begun.


"Ok hes dead thank god.." Moody said minutes later all of the other teens gave him a look of 'What the fuck you insensitive dipshit'

"Sorry I wasn't going to watch twincest and now that can't happen"

Hours later they were on episode eight all of the them determined to finish by tonight and giving reasoning of ' too deep now to stop' before Matthew came in checking on the teens to see if they wanted to eat the dinner Marilla made."

"um.. hello hows the show?" Matthew asked the group a little scared.

"awful" all of the replied with.

"Then why are you watching it?" he asked not understanding why you would watch a show you were not enjoying.

"Its addicting" Charlie added.

"Well.. do you want to take a break.. Marilla made food." Matthew who wasn't good with speaking to people besides Anne and Marilla found these idiotic teens kinda scary and was stumbling every other word. All ten of them stood up at once walking over to the dining table.

"Thank god a reason to stop." Josie grunted.

"Oh don't pretend like you're not addicted like us." Cole said to Josie.

"No I am. But we need to stop watching that overrated bullshit before we loose all of our brain cells"

"I think I lost a lot of brain cells watching Riverdale, Josie." Anne said adding herself to their conversation.

"Oh no! Anne you're at our academic level now, what will we do!"Josie said while grabbing Anne's shoulders to shake her.

All ten of them including Matthew and Marilla managed to squeeze at one table. Yes, Anne has to sit on Josie's lap, Ruby on Diana's lap and Jane on Tillie's lap but they all managed. They sat in silence until Marilla and Matthew got up to go to bed- and at once everyone started complaining.

"Imagine having a boyfriend that serious Sophmore year"

"Can Archie just like not be an idiot for more then five minutes?"

"If any of them fuck i'm going to kermit sewerslide"

"I wish someone loved me like Jughead loved Betty.. they are my favorites.." Anne said causing all of their heads to look up at her eager to for her to elaborate. Anne got the message so she did so.

"Well I mean they like each other for more then looks, they are both smart, help each other and are equals I like that the most." Anne finished.

All of them shook their heads from her obliviousness and stood up walking away.. besides Gilbert who was just as confused cause he agreed with Anne.

"And she is the smartest out of us all?!"

"I think the blind could see what she has in front of her before she does."

"One day I'm going to yell at her for how stupid she is."

"Do you know what they are talking about?" Anne asked Gilbert who was the only one remaining at the table with her.

"Nope." He replied.. he had an idea of what they were implying but he didn't want to get his hopes up.

Anne got up and caught up to them and said "Hey! What did I do?" while sitting down. Gilbert right behind her taking a seat where he was before. "At least Gilbert is confused with me!" she added.

Everyone laughed at the situation before pressing play to continue watching RiverDale.

All of them ended up spending the night sleeping on each other. At 2am Marilla came in put blankets on the kids so they wouldn't get cold.

The next morning after breakfast one by one the kids left leaving Diana, Anne, Cole and Gilbert to clean up together of course volunterily. They all had plans to start season two next week. The remaining four were cleaning and talking about season one.

"I swear getting addicted to crack is better for you then getting addicted to Riverdale."Cole said while picking up and empty drink cup, which made them all laugh in agreement.


an- this is shit but whatever 👋🤧 i stg actual plot (shirbert basically) starts picking up soon-

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