dad... i cant move

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Gilbert was waiting anxiously for Anne to arrive. Thursday had rolled around again which was now his favorite day of the week, for this month. He walked into the kitchen deciding to make cups of tea so he would stop pacing around the house for now. Anne and Mr. Blythe loved to talk for hours on end about all sorts of things, he would tell her about his travels to Alberta and the one time he went the states. Anne would just sit there head in hand listening and fully taking in every word that comes out of his mouth.

Supposedly the day of Gilbert's party when Anne was upstairs was with Mr.Blythe she got very personal- because when Anne left the following day, Mr.Blythe first's words were

"I swear son if hurt that girl it will do so much more damage you could even know-all of you."

He said it mainly to Gilbert but Cole and Diana were in the room so the last bit was for them. Cole and Diana being themselves thought it was if they started dating and he broke her heart, but Gilbert knew better and knew he wasn't really implying 'dating' but more of any sort of relationship with her.

That night he felt even more guilty for what he did in 7th grade when she first arrived to Avonlea. When he first saw her that day his first thoughts were how pretty she was in fact she was more beautiful then just pretty. He loved her hair the most of course never seeing such a shade on anyone before. He was going to go up to her and simply say "I love your hair" but of course last minute he did what he did- calling her carrots and pulling her hair. He thought his ex- friend Billy and his little minions Sam and Daniel would make fun of him for complimenting a girl cause their way of being 'nice' to a girl was actually just teasing them. Of course he isn't friends with Billy anymore ever since the start of summer in fact. Cole and Gilbert were walking to the school to drop off their textbooks as their final thing to do before they were actually finished with Sophmore year. And of course Billy Andrews, Sam and Daniel came up to them. At first Gilbert ignored him and kept just walking, Cole was the one saying things like "can you shut up" or "stop" but Billy didn't care about what Cole had to say he was just doing it to get a reaction from Gilbert knowing how much he cared for the girl. It was just little things at first "Why are you friends with her" but the phrase that made Gilbert flip his shit was "You guys should just ditch her and be friends with us again like old times... she doesn't deserve any of you guys she is just orphan trash that needs to be taken out" They of course got into a fight- Gilbert won, why would he not? That was the day Diana and Cole really shipped GIlbert with Anne knowing he was willing to protect her and when he said "dont tell her" they 'shipped' the two even more knowing he didn't even want credit or validation.

So.. when Gilbert sat in his bed that night feeling guilty for his dumbass actions from almost 5 years ago he wrote a very sleepy text-


It's currently 3am and I'm feeling way to guilty for the thing I did to you in 7th grade. Yes, it may have been 5 years but I still feel sick every time I think about it. If i'm being honest I thought your hair was beautiful then and now it was the greatest thing I have ever seen. I was going to go up to you and compliment like a normal a human being but I took the wrong course of action last minute. Im sorry if I pulled your hair to hard and im sorry for hurting your feelings. Also like who said I didnt like carrots? They are good for your eyes and I can confirm cause everytime I see you my eyesight gets a little better. Im sorry, so genuinely sorry.


Last minute he decided against the text and just copy and pasted it into his notes for a rainy day. The kettle interrupted his thoughts as it was now making a high pitch screeching noise at him to indicate the water was boiling.

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