if you said no

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Thursday morning Anne's eyes slowly fluttered open the song of birds chirping outside her window being her alarm clock. Rubbing her eyes as her they slowly adjusted to the new light levels. Sitting up, elbows propping her body up behind her as she scanned the room. The light was hitting her room where certain parts lit up like light hitting gold. The yellow curtains glistening and the crystals on her dresser glowed. Anne sat smiling at the items around her room astonished that she was able to wake up like this, how the world just was able to be like this. Anne slowly stood up from the bed and walked over to her dresser running her fingers over the crystals, flowers, and stones she had collected over time. She walked over to the window opening the curtains and the window where a cold breeze flushed in making Anne shiver. She looked outside at the bare trees and the land that went on for miles and miles. The sun was in the sky, the surrounding yellows and orange hues still present from the sunrise that had fully taken place as Anne slept, the familiar blue was taking up most of the sky, sharing the space with the sun and the clouds that were traveling to its next destination.

"Today is going to be a good day," Anne spoke in a whisper to herself. She proceeded to walk to her closet scanning through clothing item and item she finally found an oversized yellow sweater and a pair of jet black jeans that had small rips on the knees. She took the items off her clothing hanger and set them on her bed for later. Walking into the bathroom she brushed her teeth and face. As she started to comb out her hair she stared back at her reflection for a second, studying her own face. Her freckles were actually kinda cute, maybe if there were not so many. She parted her hair in the center and continued the part down to her neck. Taking one section of hair she divided it into three parts and began to fold over the red waves into a tight braid. She continued to do the same to the other side. As she looked back at her reflection she smiled being satisfied with how the braids look this morning.

Anne walked out of the bathroom, changing into her outfit she had previously picked out. Quickly walking into the bathroom checking her whole appearance, looks fine. Walking back out she grabbed the white comforter that laid on the ground, draping it over her bed. Carefully she placed her pillows across the headboard, some of the stuffed animals she had accumulated over the past few years from her friends sat alongside.

After closing her window and letting her curtains cover the windows she quietly went down her stairs trying not to wake anybody up. Anne grabbed a baby blue mug from the cabinet, she proceeded to fill up the kettle with some water from the sink. Once the water was almost at its boiling point she poured the water into the mug, placing a tea bag letting it steep. A few minutes later Marilla came into the kitchen and mimicked Anne's movements making herself a cup of tea.

"Good Morning," Marilla said tiredness still shown in her voice.

"Morning," Anne replied as she looked up from her phone which she was mindlessly looking at people's Instagram posts, commenting on a few of them in between sips of her tea.

"You're going to GIlbert's after school right?" Marilla asked as she watched the kettle come to a boil.

"Later, I'll come back here after school though,"

"Spending the night?" Marilla asked as she poured the water into two mugs.

"Depends on what time we're done," Anne replied.

The two continued to talk about what the day had in store for them. Matthew eventually descended down the stairs joining the two of them, they all stood leaning against various areas in the kitchen sipping their teas.

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