text the prettiest girl

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I'm not one to do an author's note rn or like publish a whole chapter for an announcement, so it would be very nice if you just read this REALLY quick. 

By the time this is up if you go to my profile I would have JUST posted a one-shot. It's a New Years Day/Eve one-shot for the fact that today is New Year's. It would be greatly appreciated if you read it. Also, I post announcements on when I'll be updating and shis so if you want to follow me then go ahead. K that's all thanks.

-v ♡

Some Saturday or Friday nights, the whole bunch would have actual planned sleepovers. The majority of them were spontaneous rather than planned. Today's plan was to all walk home like usual and meet up later that night. Everyone was home now packing their stuff for the night. Anne was in her room, Panic! blasting as she went through her closet. She folded back clothing item by clothing item until she stumbled upon an outfit she had forgotten existed. It was Gilbert's mom's outfit that he'd lended her all those weeks ago. She smiled at the clothing in her hand, remembering those days that she so fondly missed. She decided to wear that outfit so she could give it back to Gilbert the following day.

Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Barry were enjoying their new noise-canceling headphones. Their daughters were at it again, and it seemed it would never end.

"MINNIE MAY GIVE ME THE SWEATER BACK! IT'S MY FAVORITE AND STEALING CAN MAKE YOU END UP IN JAIL IF THIS HABIT CONTINUES!" Diana yelled from one side of the room, pointing to the thick blue sweater that was in her sister's hand.
"BUT IT'S SO COMFORTABLE AND I CAN WEAR IT LIKE A SHORT DRESS!" The young Minnie May retorted from the doorway of Diana's room.
"WELL, SURPRISE, MINNIE MAY! IT'S NOT A DRESS, IT'S A SWEATER, THAT US NORMAL PEOPLE WEAR- WITH PANTS!" Minnie May clearly had no intention of letting the precious article go.
"MINNIE MAY BARRY IF YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH GO BUY ONE YOURSELF!" was the last thing Diana said before chasing Minnie May and snatching the sweater out of her hands.

At the same time, Cole had just discovered that one of his many siblings had gotten into his art supplies. They'd ruined some supplies because of their lack of experience dealing with these materials.
"If you want me to teach you how to draw, just ask! This stuff isn't cheap," Cole said as calmly as he could. Anyone who knew Cole would know he was hiding the anger that was bubbling inside of him.
"I'm sorry Cole, I just want to be as talented as you in something. I wasn't thinking," the little boy replied. His voice was laced with sadness, realizing what he had done and how much he'd probably disappointed his older brother. Cole looked over at the young child and instantly felt bad.
"Hey... hey, it's okay. Just next time ask and we can draw together. Okay?" Cole said hugging the young one in his arms.

Anne was in her room, Panic! blasting as she went through her closet. She folded back clothing item by clothing item until she stumbled upon an outfit she had forgotten existed. It was Gilbert's mom's outfit that he'd lent her all those weeks ago. She smiled at the clothing in her hand, remembering those days that she so fondly missed. She decided to wear that outfit so she could give it back to Gilbert the following day.

Gilbert was walking around his house preparing for his friends' arrival. He grinned and remembered the last time he'd had a friend over.
"Hey, Gil!" Anne said as the door in front of her opened revealing one Gilbert Blythe.
"Hi, Anne." He replied, smiling. "I forgot you still had my mom's clothes!"
"I'd figure you would want them back eventually."
"I mean, yah, sure. But you look great in them. And they'd just be sitting in a closet, cuddling up Cole."
"Well then, I'll keep it if you insist. Anyways." She didn't move from her place in the doorway and totally missed the teenager's very subtle compliment.
A yelp was heard from the living room doorway, running footsteps following.
"Hi, Diana... and Cole," Anne said, finally stepping into the house and walking towards the living room where the footsteps came from.
"Cole and Diana are not here right now sweetie," came a high pitched cackle from behind the couch.
"Oh really- I didn't know that an 80-year-old women yelp and run nowadays," Anne called out, trying to find where Cole and Diana were hiding. Gilbert followed close behind.
"Yes, I'm a new breed of old grandma. I walk 1,000 miles a day so running is a breeze," the old lady continued.
"Wow, how interesting- I also didn't know 80-year-old women are still going through puberty and cracking their voices!" Anne peered over the back of the couch and caught the grinning Cole and giggling Diana.
As time went on, the four were scattered across Gilbert's room. Diana reclining on the ground, Gilbert on his bed, Anne sitting at Gilbert's desk and Cole taking turns between the floor and Anne's lap. The sun had just set and they spent hours talking about everything from Winnie the Pooh's gender to what happiness is.
"Truth or Dare, Di." Cole piped up, tired with talking about Winnie's gender.
"Um... truth," she said kinda nervous. Cole was known for his crazy dares and hard-hitting truths.
"If you could wish anyone was gay so you could date them- who would it be?" he asked with a cheeky grin.
"Ruby-" she replied looking him straight in the eyes.
"It's not a big deal she's straighter than a board. Gilbert, truth or dare?"
"Gilbert, text the prettiest girl in your contacts ... I eat soap in my free time." She grinned devilishly and caught Cole's eye. Gilbert's eyes were wide with fear.
"Can I text the second prettiest girl?" he said awkwardly.
"No- first."
"Oh dear, Lord Jesus help me," he said, picking up his phone and typing the phrase. As he waited for his messenger to load he looked over at Cole.
"Send it! Send it!" They chanted. As Gilbert opened the contact named "Carrots 🥕🥕"
"Are you sure?" Gilbert asked once more hoping she would change her mind.
"Yes, why not?" Diana smirked, well aware of Gilbert's choice.
He finally sent it and then threw his phone across his bed wishing he would never see it again. The room went silent before a little ding from across the room was heard.
"Diana, I think someone texted you," Anne said.
"No, Anne I think that was your phone." Anne stood up confused and walked over to her bag. She read the text. "Gilbert... you were supposed to actually send it to the prettiest girl! Not just me. Disappointed." Anne shook her head at the boy.
"Thank god she's oblivious to these kinds of things." He whispered to Diana and Cole.
The rest of their truth or dare game seemed dull after Gilbert's dare. They quickly focused on their main priority- food for the night. Diana and Cole wanted to just order in but, "Let's make food- it's more fun," was Gilbert's side. Eventually, they decided on making food after Anne's hysterical laughter made them realize how stupid their debate was.
The cooking started with four people. But Cole sat down after growing tired in five minutes. After awhile Diana sat down too as Anne and Gilbert took over completely. Anne was in charge of making garlic bread and brownies and Gilbert was making mac n cheese. The couple were arguing and Diana and Cole, of course, was recording it and posting it on social media with a caption like "We love an old married couple" and "The sexual tension in here is a big oof"
"Move it Blythe- I need to put the brownies in the oven," Anne said with a pan of uncooked brownies in hand.
"What if I don't want to?" he said continuing to stir the mac n cheese.
"Then no brownies."
"But what if the mac n cheese burns?"
"It won't"
"How do you know?"
" I'll prove it to you." She said while grabbing his hand on the spoon moving it aside sending chills up their bodies. She then proceeded to shove him away from the oven/stove saying.
"Move it thot." and put her brownies in the oven.
"See the mac n cheese is not even burned." She said stirring the pasta. She picked up some mac n cheese with the spoon and held it up to Gilbert's mouth signaling from him to try some.
"Do you want me to blow on it to make sure it doesn't burn you or something?' She said condescendingly. He finally took a bite and Anne smiled as she took the spoon back. She grabbed her own spoonful and tasting it.
"Tastes good, Chef Gil," she said taking a seat next to the completely shook Diana and Cole.
As the four watched movie after movie, Diana and Anne were the first to pass out. Anne sleeping in Cole's lap and Diana lying on Anne.
"Looks like they are both out. " Cole said looking at them. Gilbert looked at them smiling from how peaceful they looked- well, mostly just at Anne.
"You jealous?" Cole said noticing the smile that crept on Gilbert's face.
"Of what?" Gilbert replied with a confused look.
"The fact that your crush is fast asleep on my lap," he said with a grin. Gilbert only rolled his eyes.
"Oh my god Gilbert, you're so into her it gets sad to watch."
"No I'm not, but it doesn't matter she doesn't like me like that."
"Oof she does, but she doesn't realize it. Probably just trying to ignore her feelings again."
"Either way- a crush that is it."
"Gilbert-- stop lying to yourself. Rant to me, my child." Cole said. Gilbert looked up at Cole then at Anne double checking she was asleep.
"I don't know- fine I love her. I love everything about her that it makes my heart hurt when she talks down on herself. I just want to hug her and tell her she is the most intelligent, beautiful person, inside and out, that I've ever met. If I'm being honest with myself, which I try not to be. She is literally the only person I can see myself falling in love with, full heartedly. It's scary, you know?" Gilbert said looking at Cole he gave a confused look not understanding the last part. "I have had little crushes that in reality were nothing more than lust. But this is completely different, she is the first person I've ever felt anything for that was more than that- lust. I mean, I notice and adore all these things about her that you would never even notice. Everything about her makes me happy. Is that normal? It's not. Oh my god, I'm crazy, Cole. I'm crazy and I'm in love with Anne and- fuck!"
"Awe Gilly," Cole murmured.
"And the worst part is she will never love me like how I love her. How the hell can I expect that from her? I'll never be able to hold her or kiss every freckle on her face. But then again we're good friends, which is better than a year ago I guess." Gilbert whispered this to Cole but at this point, he was talking mostly to himself.
"Yeah I know, but I have hope- all of us do. Hey, Gil- it will turn out okay." Cole said, putting his hand on Gilbert's back.
"I hope so," Gilbert replied his head now on the ground purely from being drained.
"How about you pick up Anne and put her to bed, I'll grab Di. Then we can go watch a movie?" Cole said to Gilbert.
"I'd love that," Gilbert mumbled, his head still on the ground. But he soon got up and lifted Anne off of Cole. For a second, she took a breath like she was about to wake up but only shuffled in Gilbert's arms closer to him.
"Do I have to put her down?" Gilbert whispered to Cole who was standing with Diana in his arms.
"Yes, you creep put her down." Gilbert layed Anne down next to Diana putting a blanket over them both. He looked over at Cole who was standing in the doorway, before moving some of the hair out of her face and following Cole out the door.
The next morning, Anne woke up thinking she had had the craziest dream. Usually, she couldn't remember anything specific from her dreams. But this one- she had clearly seen Gilbert. Saying such things that both confused her yet brought a smile to her face. He'd been saying all those things about her, all so positive, that he was in love? No, no, that couldn't be it. Why was she so happy? Why did her subconscious produce such a dream if it wasn't something she wanted at all? After all- they were just friends.

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