you my straight as fuck best friend

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    "You know what I'm going to find friends who don't know how to rhyme words you all are to smart" Cole said before fake walking away to go find friends who were actually two years old

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    "You know what I'm going to find friends who don't know how to rhyme words you all are to smart" Cole said before fake walking away to go find friends who were actually two years old.
"It's not my fault that you ran into a pole causing me to use my brain to see that pole rhymes with Cole." Anne said barely being able to reply with how much she was laughing.
"Have fun with you new friends that will actually be two years old, Cole!" Diana added.
"You know what?! I will have fun with my two year old friends- we will play with those dumb building blocks, maybe try to learn some shapes and put them in the right hole in that little thingy, oh and maybe we can learn how to spell cat together- you know what that sounds way more fun then studying for whatever number of hours with you losers." Cole replied kinda actually considering the idea now.

Gilbert who wasn't saying anything and just observing his friends and laughing at whatever he found funny finally lead them to the beloved green gables where all four of them would be studying for the next many hours. They were only just about to finish their second week of school but somehow they all had things to do.

"Hello Marilla How was your day?" Anne asked while walking over to Marilla and placing a kiss on the cheek to greet her.
"Oh, you know the usual boring stuff." Marilla replied smiling at the girl who she grew to love so much.
"I would love to hear about your boring day! Why don't you three losers go ahead while I talk to Marilla" Anne said to her friends.
They nodded In response and went up to Anne's room to begin their work.

Anne made a promise to herself to keep a tight bond with her family Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert no matter how much her friends and school took of her time. So, she sat at the table ready to hear everything Marilla had to say about her day.


After 30 minutes of listening to Marilla talking about lunch with Matthew, cooking dinner and cleaning the house. Anne finally went upstairs to her friends. When she arrived the three were all on the floor with their stuff surrounding each of them. Cole was writing something in his one notebook which he had for all his classes- Anne of course shunned upon it. Diana was doing her Spanish homework, Diana already of course knew French from learning it as a child so when the class was available in high school her mom didn't allow her to take French trying to get her to learn as many languages as possible. And Gilbert seemed to be writing down flash cards of varies terminology from all his classes. Anne took a seat at her desk pulled out her Math homework, looked at her friend before starting.


"Gilbert... can you help me with this question." Anne asked him which came to a shock to everyone.. they were not complaining but Anne Shirley- Cuthbert talking to Gilbert was one thing but her asking him something seemed to be harder to believe then the earth being flat.
"Wait Anne Shirley is one saying something to Gilbert but of all things asking for help?" Cole was so in shock he said what he was thinking unlike Diana how was to in shock to even say anything.
"Who are you and what have you done with our Anne?" Cole asked getting up placing his hand on her forehead to check her temperature thinking she actually went ill.
"Ok Cole, then why don't you help me?" She rolled her eyes and pointed at the Math question that only looked key spam that Diana would send after seeing Anne and Gilbert do something cute.
"What the flip fuckity shit is that?" He asked. "Sorry can't help you there, Anne"
"See this is why I asked blythe cause I know you dumbasses wouldn't  be able to help me." Anne said giving Cole a stair.
"So... Gilbert can you help me?" She finally got to ask she made sure not to give any eye contact to him.
"Yes, of course it would be my pleasure." He replied kind of quietly thinking this whole situation was a dream.
Anne got up from her desk and sat next to him on the floor which only caused Diana to actually stop breathing and Cole stayed standing up next at Anne's desk because he legit couldn't move from pure shock.


"And that's how you get x... got it?" Gilbert finished after explaining for about 10 minutes. Diana had only taken 4 breaths in the past 10 minutes and Cole finally managed to sit down after 7 minutes of still standing from shock.
"Yes... I think so- thank you Blythe." She took her notebook getting up going back to her desk to only push Cole from her chair.
"No I think Anne needs it's explained once again" Diana said really just wanting them to interact again.
"Yes- I think so too." Cole added. Their comments only caused Anne to roll her eyes at them and Gilbert to grin while shaking his head at his two friends... of course he wanted the same thing but he wasn't going to be saying that out loud.


It was quarter to one before Marilla went up to Anne's room to check up on the teens. She went in to see Cole had fallen asleep leaning on Anne's bed, Diana had fallen asleep in Cole's lap, Gilbert fell asleep leaning on Anne's desk, and of course Anne still awake writing something in her journal. Anne turned off the lights so her friends could sleep better and had only her desk light on illuminating her journal so she would be able to see what she was writing.

"Anne why are you still awake?" Marilla whispered walking over to the girl.
"Oh... I don't know I'm not tired I guess?" She whispered back closing her journal not wanting Marilla to read one word she had written down.
"Why don't you wake up Diana, you two can go sleep in my bed with me if you want and let the boys share your bed.. I'll call their parents letting them know everyone is not dead and will stay the night." Marilla whispered she knew none of the kids would be doing anything weird and dirty she trusted them all so she allowed them all to stay the night whenever it was necessary.
"That sounds like a great idea Marilla." Anne replied finally getting tired.
"Ok I'll be back" Marilla said walking out stepping over kids to make her way out of the room to call their parents which she had all on speed dial.

Anne walked over to Diana nudging her awake.
"Diana... go to Marilla's room and sleep in her bed she offered to let us sleep in the same bed with her... and don't panic Marilla is calling your mom" Diana just nodded kinda understanding what Anne said to her before slowly standing up and walking to Marilla's bedroom.

Then Anne walked over to Cole trying to nudge him awake.
"Cole.. good morning sleepy-head"
"Anne?" Wait what time is it?!" He said in sudden panic.
"It's almost 2am... don't worry Marilla is calling your mom.. you and Gilbert can have my bed I'm going to sleep with Marilla and Diana" Anne whispered to him explaining everything.
"Oh.. ok goodnight Anne." With that Anne walked away leaving Cole to deal with Gilbert cause Anne was not going to interact more with him then she already did today.


"You know I don't like this either Cole" Gilbert said because he was sharing a bed with Cole. The two were laid on their back shoulder shoulder scared to move.
"I don't either... you know if you were any other guy I would be fine with this cause of my gay ass but of course the only time I could get into bed with a guy it had to be you my straight as fuck best friend." Cole replied harshly not wanting to share a bed with his best friend.
"Wow thanks goodnight, Cole"
"Goodnight loser."

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