we stan this glo up

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It was in the morning- the sun still had not rose from the ground and of course Anne Shirley-Cuthbert was awake. That night she woke up many times but this time she couldn't go back to sleep so with a frustrated grunt she got up from her bed and got ready for school, 2 hours before she had to meet up with her friends to walk there.

conan gray played through her room and light was starting to peak through the curtains. Anne was looking through her closet being way to indecisive on what to wear even though it was just another school day, grabbing clothing item by clothing item looking at them and thinking it would work with another clothing item but deciding against it last second putting it back into her closet. After 20 minutes a black skirt that fell to her knees, a dark blue shirt but not to dark with little stars was tucked into the skirt, heeled boots with dark blue socks that were a similar shade to the shirt poked through the top of the boots, and she added little added details- a couple rings, some bracelets and moon earrings. Anne was looking in the mirror satisfied with her outfit. She grabbed her hair which she would call an awful shade of red no matter how much her friends said it wasn't and started two braids which she soon decided against as it didn't look right with her outfit for her. It was either two long side braids or some sort of bun situation at school specifically, as long as her hair was as hidden as much as possible she was fine with it. At home and around certain people (Diana, Cole, Marilla, Matthew) she would let it go fully. People have seen her beautiful long hair in pictures that her friends or family may have posted but never in person.

''space buns seem like I'm just trying to become a astronaut or something"

Anne thought to herself letting go of her hair feeling frustrated with it and walking over to her window to watch the end of the sunrise, admiring the pinks, oranges and yellows poking through the ground. She loved how the colors blended together- it was purely breathtaking. You could never not stop looking at it and watching how the colors change over time and morphed into a whole new sky. The sunrise was magic that always kept her drawn to it. Minutes went bye and the sun was now in the sky higher then when she first sat down and was still rising slowly, the unique colors were gone and it was just now just a light blue that laid across the sky with little fluffy white clouds occasionally there that went across the blue traveling to its next destination. Anne got up from the window and once again stood in the mirror not knowing what to do with her hair.

"Let's just shave it off" She said aloud to the empty room.

I mean- it would solve her problems but It would only look worst. It's been months since the last photo of her hair down had been posted on social media so nobody in school really knows her hair length anymore which meant sometimes they played guessing games on how long they think it is.. and the most extreme people even placed bets. Everyone who couldn't see her hair in all its beauty wanted to and to those four people that did have the privilege of seeing her hair down would say her hair was beautiful, but all the  convincing in the world could never have Anne change her mind about her hair. And if you asked her the only reason she even ever lets it down in the first place was she didn't want to loose her hairline from her hair being tied back everyday like jojo siwa. Besides her hair she had other features she didn't like, the list included her body shape, lips, and the freckles but she then again she was just starting to like her freckles after years.

"Half up half down?"
And that was her final decision not thinking it was going to be such a big deal to majority of the people at school, I mean they were about to loss and win placed bets of how long it was. She took some of the parts in the front and tied it back loosely letting the rest of the untamed hair go, giving up and letting the hair win for the first time.

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