First Contact

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"Mother-of-God!" Mei Tyler whined to herself, rolling over in bed to reach out for the alarm clock set at the edge of her dresser.

A dreamy smile crossed her naturally pink lips as the room became silent once again, and she pulled the only pillow still on her bed over her face in an attempt to go back to sleep. The others she had lost through the night. She always had been a restless sleeper, and five of her six pillows ended up on the floor so often she didn't really know why she bothered putting them back on the bed.

Her peace only lasted a few second before the younger sister of the two burst into the bedroom with a childish roar, pouncing on top of the older girl. Rose bounced with a giggle as Mei gave a startled shriek, and the blonde quickly stole the pillow before her auburn haired sister could wallop her with it. Then thought better of it and quickly swatted the giant stuffed panda onto the floor out of reach as well.

"Wakey-Wakey Mei, we have work!" she sang.

"Go away, Rose," Mei murmured, trying to pull her sheets out from under the blonde to burrow beneath, "I can't be bothered. Work sucks, pay is crap, bed good."

"Sorry but no, we gotta catch the bus in twenty or we'll be late." Where was a moment of silence and Rose leaned forward to tug at her sister's hair, "Wake up Mei!"

"Fine!" Mei huffed, before letting a devious grin appear on her lips.

Rose's eyes widened, but before she could do anything, the auburn haired girl bucked her hips violently and the blonde tumbled off the bed with a loud squeal, pillow and sheets going with her.

Snickering, Mei jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom the two girls and their mother had to share. Once the door was locked securely behind her, she let out an amused sigh and went about her morning business, taking extra care with her teeth as she'd been up nibbling at chocolate through the night.


She was always hungry through the night but didn't eat much through the day, she should really work on that.

When Mei returned to her room, Rose had gone off to get herself ready but had tidied her sister's bed for which she reminded herself to be the one to buy lunch today as a thank you. She quickly pulled on a summery dress with a knitted cardigan and matching socks, finding herself a comfortable pair of shoes to go with them. She wasn't fashion conscious or anything, but she did like her clothing to match.

"Mei! Let's go!" Rose called as she darted past her sister's bedroom.

They both made their way into the living room, stooping to grab their bags from the back of a chair and then gave their mother a kiss on opposite cheeks. the blonde woman beamed, patting Rose's cheek lightly and tugging at the messy braid Mei had managed to put her hair into in the space of a few seconds.

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